Endangered Species Program
2007 - Private Stewardship Grants Program

The Private Stewardship Program provides grants and other assistance on a competitive basis to individuals and groups engaged in local, private, and voluntary conservation efforts that benefit federally listed, proposed, or candidate species, or other at-risk species. Diverse panels of representatives from State and Federal Government, conservation organizations, agriculture and development interests, and the science community assess applications and make recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior, who awards the grants. The Private Stewardship Program was initiated during Fiscal Year 2002, with grants first awarded during Fiscal Year 2003.

For 2006, the Service awarded more than 6.9 million in Federal funding under the Private Stewardship Program. A ten percent (10%) match of cash or through in-kind contributions is required. The program is available to private landowners and their partners. See the full text of the program announcement below for detailed information on the eligibility criteria. Catalog of Domestic Federal Assistance Number 15.632.

FY 2007 Awards
Awards for Fiscal Year 2007 announced May 15, 2007.

(Our fiscal year runs from October 1 through the following September 30)

bullet Read the news release

bullet Read the full list of awards [pdf]

FY 2007 Request for Proposals
We accepted grant proposals for the 2007 funding period between December 15, 2006 and February 14, 2007.

bullet Previously Awarded Private Stewardship Grants from 2003 - 2006

bullet Other Endangered Species Program grants

bullet Other USFWS Grant Programs Available

bullet Federal Aid Tool Kit (forms and compliance requirements for receiving Federal grants)

Contact Us

For more information on how to apply for Federal grants to assist landowners in conserving species on non-Federal lands, please contact the Private Stewardship Grant Program representative at your Regional Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or contact:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Division of Consultation, Habitat Conservation Planning, Recovery and State Grants
4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Room 420
Arlington, VA 22203

The Service also offers many other grant programs that may also benefit endangered and threatened species. For other grant program information, go to http://grants.fws.gov.

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Last updated: January 16, 2008