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Specialty Crop Grant Program Guidelines
Grant eligibility
Eligible activities
Application and Submission Guidelines
Funding allocation
Program policies
Grant proposal review and selection
Download application and forms
Applications due - August 20, 2008
Results will be announced - October 30, 2008
If application is funded, contracts signed by - November 30, 2008
Semi-annual reports due -
April 30, 2009
October 30, 2009
April 30, 2010
Final reports due - October 30, 2010
Jerry Gardner, Business Development Manager
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Development & Marketing Division
Tel: 503-872-6600
Email: jgardner@oda.state.or.us

Application must include one original and four copies. Applicants must also forward a digital copy of the application to agmarket@oda.state.or.us.

Grant eligibility
The ODA will accept applications from industry associations, producer groups, and commodity commissions. With limited funds, the ODA hopes to have as large of an industry impact as possible. Grant funds cannot be used for projects that benefit a single company, individual, or commercial entity.

For the purposes of this program, specialty crops are defined as commonly recognized fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, and nursery crops (including floriculture and horticulture). Feed crops, food grains, livestock, dairy products, and seafood products are not eligible.

See a complete list of eligible crops under the grant program.

Eligible activities
Proposals that enhance the competitiveness of Oregon's specialty crops will be eligible for funding. Activities may include, but are not limited to:
  • product research (i.e. nutrition and food safety)
  • market research
  • product development
  • product promotion
  • plant health programs
  • consumer and producer education
  • production and distribution efficiencies
  • conservation programs
  • environmental impacts
  • establishing a producer association or cooperative
The ODA is looking for innovative proposals to bring new ideas forward and work to resolve issues that might not otherwise be possible without these grants. The ODA highly encourages interested parties to work together and submit collaborative project proposals.

Grant projects shall not exceed $30,000 and will extend for up to two years from the date funds are awarded. Applicants are highly encouraged to provide a 1:1 cash match and preference will be given to applications proposing a full 1:1 cash match. In-kind contributions do not qualify as a match.

The ODA is looking for projects in the following strategic areas of specialty crop competitiveness in no particular order of importance:
  1. market access
  2. transportation and distribution
  3. labor
  4. water
  5. certification
  6. product development
Administration costs, defined as expense incurred in controlling and directing an organization, but not directly identifiable with financing, marketing, or production operations, cannot be paid with these grant funds. However, salaries directly associated with carrying out the proposed project do qualify for reimbursement.
Funds may also not be used to purchase fixed assets or personal property. Expenditures incurred prior to grant approval may not be included in the grant request.

Application and Submission Guidelines
Project proposals must be completed and received by the ODA's Agricultural Development and Marketing Division, 1207 NW Naito Parkway, Suite 104, Portland, Oregon 97209, not later than 5:00pm on August 20, 2008. Please limit your application to no more than ten double-spaced type written pages (12 pt. font). Applicants should include one original and four paper copies and also email a digital copy of the application to agmarket@oda.state.or.us. Completed applications should include a neat, concise outline of the project based on the required sections and include completed forms: Appendix A, Cover page and abstract (Word doc, 36 kb) and Appendix B, Grant agreement (Word doc, 34 kb). Project awardees will be notified by October 30, 2008.

Each project proposal MUST include the following components
  1. Cover page and abstract - Fill out the pdf form provided and attach as the cover page to your application. Name the lead entity and contact individual responsible for administering the project, along with a concise summary of 200 words or less on the project.
    Download Appendix A, Cover page and abstract (Word doc, 36 kb).
  2. Project purpose - Clearly state the specific issue, problem, interest, or need to be addressed. Explain why the project is timely and important.
  3. Goals - Describe the overall goal(s) of the project in one or two sentences.
  4. Potential impact - Discuss the intended beneficiaries of the project, the number of people or operations affected and/or potential economic impact.
  5. Expected measurable outcomes - Describe at least two meaningful outcomes that directly and meaningfully support the project purpose. The outcomes must be external to the project activities that are of direct importance to the intended beneficiaries and/or the public. If selected, your organization will need to be able to measure these outcomes and report on them to the ODA in a timely manner. Examples of measurable outcomes include: value of sales, per capita consumption, or website hits.
  6. Work plan - Explain briefly how each goal and measurable outcome will be accomplished for the project. Be clear about who will do the work and include appropriate timelines.
  7. Budget estimates - Provide a detailed outline of proposed expenditures as well as matching funds. More than one category of expenditures may be included in a grant request. For example, a budget might include line items for market research, product development, and product promotion. It is not mandatory to provide a match for each line item. Only the total grant amount should be matched.

    Itemized Expenditure
    Applicant's Contribution
    Grant requested
  8. Oversight and reporting plan - Describe the oversight practices and provide sufficient knowledge of grant activities to ensure proper and efficient administration. Identify a main contact person who will be responsible for reporting directly to the ODA on the project and ensuring that it is carried out in line with all grant parameters.
  9. Project commitment - Describe how you will commit to and work toward the goals of the project and provide measurable outcomes.

Funding allocation
Prior to beginning work on the proposed project or receiving funding, successful applicants will be required to sign a Grant Award Agreement with the Oregon Department of Agriculture indicating their intention to complete the proposed tasks and authorizing ODA to monitor the progress of the proposed project. Awardees will be given 50% of the total grant amount upon completion of the grant award agreement and will be eligible to receive the remaining 50% of the total grant award upon completion of the project. A final report that includes data on measurable outcomes as defined in the grant application will be due upon completion. The grantee must provide evidence of all project expenditures and cash match.

Program policies
Grant awardees and project activities funded under this program must comply with the following requirements:
  • Any information obtained, data derived and reports resulting from a project funded by this grant must be made available to the public.
  • No administration costs may be allotted in project budget.
  • Travel and other expenses must follow federal and state guidelines for use of federal funds, as defined by OMB Circular A-87, or other relevant policies.
  • Grant funds may not be used to fund political activities in accordance with provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. 1501-1508 and 7324-7326).
  • Projects are for up to two years in duration. The ODA must be notified at least 60 days prior to the ending date of the project if for any reason the project cannot be completed within the timeframe established in the grant.
  • If the project is not completed within the grant period, the applicant must pay back any unused funds.
  • The applicant must provide progress reports, with expenditures to date, every six months.
ODA reserves the right to:
  • Reject any or all proposals received;
  • Waive or modify minor irregularities in proposals received after prior notification and agreement of applicant;
  • Provide partial funding for specific proposal components that may be less than the full amount requested in the grant application;
  • Require a good faith effort from the project sponsor to work with ODA subsequent to project completion to develop reporting data or implement the project results, where applicable;
  • Withhold any payments that do not meet grant conditions.
  • Require return or refund of grant monies used for expenditures that are not allowed or unauthorized.
Grantees agree to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, codes, regulations, rules, and orders. The grant will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon. Information submitted in grant proposals is subject to Oregon Public Records law, except where exemptions specified in ORS 192.501 may apply (trade secrets, etc.). Applicants should identify in their proposals any sections where exemptions may apply.
Grantees will be accountable for all grant funds awarded. Grantees shall maintain books, records, receipts, and accounting procedures and practices sufficient to reflect all costs claimed to have been incurred for the performance of the grant agreement. Interim and final reports shall document all grant expenditures. Grantees will make receipts, books, and records available for audit or examination by the Department of Agriculture or Secretary of State if requested. Records will be maintained for three years from end date of the project.

Grantees must obtain prior approval from ODA if there is: 1) any major revision of the project scope or objectives after a project is funded; 2) need to extend the project period; or, 3) changes in key persons associated with the project.

Grant proposal review and selection
An ODA selection committee will review all complete and eligible applications. The selection committee will score all the eligible applications and will make award recommendations to the Director of Agriculture based on the strength of the project proposal according to the selection criteria. The selection team may adjust monetary grant requests, project proposal scop of work, and/or project budgets.
All eligible applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:
  • Project's focus on stated areas of need
  • Importance or need of the industry
  • Potential impact
  • Feasibility - is the project financially realistic and what are the chances for success?
  • Matching funds and commitment from other partners or entities
  • Collaboration between industries and groups

Download application and forms
To complete your application, you must submit include a cover page and abstract as well as the grant application agreeement form.


Full application packet (pdf, 108 kb)

Appendix A, Cover page and abstract (Word doc)

Appendix B, Grant application agreement (Word doc)

Page updated: August 18, 2008

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