Welcome to the California Department of Developmental Services

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John Sawyer
Executive Director

P. O. Box 2000
26501 Avenue 140
Porterville, CA 93258-2000
Public: (559) 782-2222
TDD: (559) 781-7822

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Porterville Developmental Center

Porterville Developmental Center - Building

Porterville Developmental Center (PDC) is one of five California state-operated facilities that serve people with developmental disabilities. The center provides 24-hour residential services for individuals who are developmentally disabled and have serious medical and/or behavior problems for which appropriate services are not currently available through community resources.

PDC is licensed by the California Department of Health Services to provide general acute medical services, skilled nursing services, and intermediate care services. Individuals are admitted on referral by one of the 21 California regional centers. The majority of individuals served at PDC have mental retardation and many have severe chronic medical or behavioral problems. Over one-third of our clients require services within a secure treatment program. These individuals are in the mild to moderate range of mental retardation, have come in contact with the legal system, have been determined to be a danger to themselves or others and/or incompetent to stand trial, and have been determined by the court to meet the criteria requiring treatment in a secure area.


The mission of PDC is to advance each person's level of independence through the provision of individualized supports. This is done by the Interdisciplinary Team, which includes the client, the family or legal representative, and PDC staff such as physicians, psychologists, nurses, psychiatric technicians, social workers, chaplains, rehabilitation and speech therapists, teachers, dietitians and pharmacists. The team develops an Individual Program Plan using a person-centered planning process. Services may include health care, education, work training, employment, self-help training, and preparation for independent living, as well as leisure activities, behavior management and socialization skills development.

Public Information and Tour Arrangements:

Contact Evonne Gibson, Assistant to the Executive Director, at (559) 782-2286.

Additional Information:

Last Updated: 4/16/2008