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Small Grants Program
For Behavioral Research in Cancer Control

Post Review Information

An application for research support may receive a priority score that does not result in funding. You can submit up to two revisions to your application. Revised applications need to be submitted within 2 years of your original submission.

Many unsuccessful applications are revised and resubmitted.

Addressing Weaknesses
Read the summary statement very carefully and make a list of strengths and weaknesses. Do you think you can deal with the weaknesses to the extent that you can produce an increase in the priority score?

Typical weaknesses include:

  • Unsatisfactory conceptual framework or insufficient justification provided for framework selection
  • Poor review and analysis of the literature (e.g., omission of relevant studies)
  • Unstated or unclear hypotheses
  • Inadequate data (e.g., insufficient power, biased samples, or lack of relevant measures)
  • Insufficient explanation or justification for data analysis methods

Ask a colleague who is not involved in the proposed research to read the application and critique your assessment and plans for revision. Are you classifying as "correctable" something that is really a fatal flaw? For example, does the data set have too few cases for analysis or excessive attrition from succeeding waves to permit analysis?

Formatting the Revised Application

Before a revised application can be submitted, the principal investigator must have received the summary statement from the previous review. There must be substantial changes in the content of the application. The application must include an introduction of not more than three pages that summarizes the substantial additions, deletions and changes. The introduction must also include responses to the criticisms and issues raised in the summary statement. The changes in the Research Plan must be clearly marked by appropriate bracketing, indenting, or changing of typography, unless the changes are so extensive as to include most of the text. This exception should be explained in the Introduction. Do not underline or shade changes. The Preliminary Studies/Progress Report section should incorporate any work done since the prior version was submitted. Acceptance of a revised application automatically withdraws the prior version, since two versions of the same application cannot be simultaneously pending.

Do not avoid this requirement by indicating that the application is "new." Computer records and memories of previous applications. If the application appears to be a revision of a previous one, the reviewers will receive the previous application and summary statement as background material.

If the application is indeed new but appears similar (e.g., the title, research problem and aims are the same), attach a cover letter explaining how the application is new and not a revision.

Using the Summary Statement
Your revisions must address the weaknesses indicated. The new reviewers will have the original summary statement.

If you believe that any points in the summary statement are in error, explain why.

Even with adequate responses to all criticisms, you still may not receive an award. This may happen because:

  • The proposal may have additional problems not noted in the summary statement
  • Changes made in response to the critique introduce other problems
  • The composition of the review group changed to include different reviewers with different opinions about the project's merit

Applicants are encouraged to contact the Behavioral Research Program (BRP) staff member named on the summary statement to discuss plans for resubmission and assessment of the extent to which the application can be revised. The Program's philosophy is to be as frank with applicants as possible in order to assisting them in making decisions. BRP program staff have considerable experience with research, the review process, and the preparation of applications, and are independent of the review process. Program staff does not select or assign the reviewers or write the summaries of the review. Deferrals or resubmissions frequently result in strengthened applications. Responding to reviewer criticisms can help a researcher strengthen an application and avoid difficulties in the conduct of the research.

Application Receipt Dates for Resubmissions

  • April 20
  • August 20
  • December 20

R03 Pay Line
R03s are funded by raw score not by percentile. The pay line is currently a 210 or better priority score. The NCI Executive Committee has the option of changing the pay line.

Budgets Cuts
Small grants are funded at 100% of the recommended level. There are no associated budget cuts.

Lifting Funding Bars
To lift or remove a funding bar, applicants should contact their NCI program director in writing to provide greater detail that clearly addresses issues about inclusion of women, minorities, or children as research subjects. The Director of the Division of Extramural Activities reviews the information and makes a final decision.

NIH Policy on Submission of Revised (Amended) Applications
Resubmissions are limited to a 1-page Introduction. (There may have been a 3-page limit on the Introduction for some R21 resubmissions using paper PHS 398 application.) If you receive an "error" upon submission, submit a "change/corrected" application through with the Introduction condensed to one page.

Resubmission PowerPoint Presentation

Last Updated: January 8, 2008


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