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Captain David M. Whipp, Coast and Geodetic Field Officer and Pacific Field Director in Honolulu since January 1965, has served in the commissioned corps since 1939. He is a native of West Virginia and a 1936 graduate of California Institute of Technology.

He served aboard the Coast and Geodetic Survey's ships on the Atlantic Coast and in the Caribbean until 1942, when he was transferred to the Army. He holds the Silver Star, Legion of Merit, and Croix de Guerre, awarded for service with the Field Artillery in Europe. Returning to the Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1946, he served on geodetic parties, the Arctic field party, and Seattle-based ships until 1955. He was Assistant Chief, Geophysics Division, at the Washington office from 1955-1957. Captain Whipp was at St. Sill, Oklahoma, as liaison officer for 2 years prior to going to the Honolulu office.



Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Central Library.
Last Updated: June 8, 2006 9:27 AM

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