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The Land Remote Sensing Policy Act of 1992 (.pdf 6.6 kb) as amended (the Act),  provides no person who is subject to the jurisdiction or control of the U.S. may operate any private remote sensing space system without a license, and authorized the Secretary of Commerce to license private sector parties to operate private remote sensing space systems.  By law, the Secretary can grant a license only upon determining, in writing that the applicant (licensee) will comply with the requirements of the Act, any regulations issued pursuant to the Act (.pdf 181 kb) and any applicable international obligations and national security concerns of the United States.  In order to discharge these responsibilities under the Act, the Secretary established and delegated authority to the Commercial Remote Sensing Compliance and Monitoring Program (CRSCMP) to assure compliance with the Act.


The mission of CRSCMP is to facilitate  the United States commercial remote sensing industry and promote collection and widespread availability of Earth remote sensing data, while preserving essential U.S. national security interests, foreign policy and international obligations, through assuring compliance by the licensees of U.S. law,  regulations, policy and the terms of the private remote sensing space system license.


The CRSCMP executes its mission by:
  • Conducting periodic on-site audits;
  • Collecting and reviewing: 
    • Quarterly reports
    • Appropriate financial information
    • Plans and procedures to comply with data collection restrictions, operational limitations, and data protection plans
    • Information required to be filed 6 months prior to launch of a remote sensing space system
  • Assuring compliance with the Kyl-Bingaman Amendment  for collection of imagery of Israel
  • Reviewing licensee agreements impacting national security, foreign policy and international obligations of the U.S.
  • When necessary, initiating appropriate enforcement actions to assure compliance with law, regulations and terms of the private remote sensing space system license.

The CRSCMP consults with NOAA licensing, the Departments of Defense and State, and other federal agencies in developing and executing U.S. commercial remote sensing laws, regulations and policies.

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Last modified: January 04, 2007.