
Scientific Careers - Training Opportunities

The intramural researchers at NIAMS are dedicated to training a new generation of scientists to develop new knowledge aimed at solving the health problems within our research mandate. NIAMS actively seeks candidates at all stages in their careers who want to learn the latest advances in basic and clinical research.

Students - High School, Undergraduate, Graduate and Medical
Postdoctoral Training
Clinical Training

Located at the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD, intramural scientists can make full use of the special, if not unique, opportunities afforded by the NIH. Among these are the extensive human resources that facilitate collaboration among experts who possess widely different skills; the resources to perform clinical research that is closely integrated with laboratory work; and relatively stable funding which permits investments in long-term, and even risky, projects. Learn more about the special features of the intramural program.

NIAMS has research opportunities in many of its laboratories and branches.


Updated September 17, 2007