Training Partners

Michigan State University School of Criminal Justice

Experienced outreach staff from the Michigan State University (MSU) School of Criminal Justice  conduct on-site community facilitations in select communities nationwide to enhance public-private sector partnerships for emergency planning and response for all hazards, including terrorist/WMD incidents. The basis for the community facilitation is Critical Incident Protocol: A Public and Private Partnership. Published by MSU under a FEMA grant in June 2000, Critical Incident Protocol is a compendium of research, experienced and lessons learned from a variety of subject matter experts in both the public and private sectors. Designed to enhance relationships, mutual understanding, resource sharing and operational effectiveness, the community facilitation process includes joint risk assessments, critical incident planning and tabletop exercises involving key public safety and corporate officials from a particular community.

International Association of Fire Fighters

The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) through a cooperative agreement with FEMA, has developed a training program to ensure the safety of the nation's emergency response community while protecting the general public by isolating and successfully terminating hazardous incidents. Their program takes a risk-based health and safety approach to potential WMDs and their impact on first responders. This is emphasized throughout the program by developing and delivering personal scene safety training for fire fighters, paramedics, and law enforcement officers who are first responders to a WMD incident.

National Terrorism Preparedness Institute

The National Terrorism Preparedness Institute (NTPI), a division of the Southeastern Public Safety Institute at St. Petersburg College, delivers a satellite-based training program titled ComNET (Communications, News, Equipment, and Training) to the nation's civilian and military emergency response communities. ComNET is presented in a news magazine broadcast format and provides WMD-related awareness information.

Pine Bluff Arsenal

The National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) delivers an executive level introductory training program for Sheriffs on domestic preparedness for WMD incidents. This course introduces and discusses the issues that a Sheriff will confront in responding to a WMD incident, and provides training on pre-incident collaborations/preparations that can be implemented to improve incident response.

Naval Postgraduate School

The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS): Masters of Arts Degree in Homeland Security. NPS delivers an 18-month graduate education program designed to equip future homeland security leaders with the specialized skills and knowledge needed to meet the challenges of homeland defense and security. Students will study issues such as intelligence sharing, critical infrastructure protection, and law enforcement and judicial issues. The study and examination of these issues will provide students with new insight and approaches that will prepare them to help strengthen the Nation's capacity to prevent, deter, and respond to terrorism.

National Sheriffs' Association

The National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) delivers an executive level introductory training program for Sheriffs on domestic preparedness for WMD incidents. This course introduces and discusses the issues that a Sheriff will confront in responding to a WMD incident, and provides training on pre-incident collaborations/preparations that can be implemented to improve incident response.

Last Modified: Thursday, 13-Sep-2007 11:53:03 EDT
