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Conference Materials

Campus Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting: These pages provide materials from the technical assistance meetings for SAMHSA campus suicide prevention grantees. The meeting, for recipients of SAMHSA’s Campus Suicide Prevention grants, covered topics such as strategic planning, evaluation, gatekeeper training, crisis management, multicultural transformation, and strategic message development, among others. The agenda for each meeting is linked to presentations, handouts, and additional resources for many of the workshops.

State, Tribal, and Adolescents at Risk Suicide Prevention Grantee Technical Assistance Meeting: These pages provide materials from the technical assistance meetings for SAMHSA suicide prevention grantees. The meeting for recipients of SAMHSA’s State and Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention grants and Adolescents at Risk grants covered topics such as evaluation, stigma and discrimination, working with survivors, cultural competence, screening, and project management, among many others. The agenda for each meeting is linked to presentations and handouts for many of the workshops.

SPRC Conference Materials: This archive of materials from past SPRC conferences includes agendas, selected audio and video presentations, PowerPoints, and handouts. Information on upcoming SPRC conferences, workshops, and trainings, can be found on the Calendar.