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For Immediate Release

July 14, 2008
Contact: Paul Takemoto
Phone: (202) 267-3883

Runway Safety

Reducing the risk of runway incursions is one of the FAA’s top priorities. The number of serious runway incursions – called Category A and B – dropped by more than 55 percent from fiscal year (FY) 2001 through FY 2007.

So far, in FY 2008, 19 serious runway incursions have occurred across the country, with commercial aircraft involved in four of those incidents. A total of 24 serious incursions occurred in FY 2007 – an all-time low (see chart below). Of the 24 serious incursions, eight involved commercial aircraft. Given that there were more than 30 million commercial flights in the U.S. last year, a passenger would have to board 3,821,875 flights before having the probability of being involved in a serious runway incursion. Put another way, a passenger would have to board a commercial flight every day in the U.S. for 10,470 years before having the same probability.

Of the 370 runway incursions that occurred in FY 2007 – 92 percent of which presented ample time and/or distance to avoid a conflict or presented no immediate danger – none resulted in a collision.

Total A and B
# Involving
Commercial Aircraft
Fiscal Year
1942008 (through June 30)

What is a Runway Incursion?

A runway incursion is any unauthorized intrusion onto a runway, regardless of whether or not an aircraft presents a potential conflict. This is the international standard, which the FAA helped develop and was adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization two-and-a-half years ago. The FAA adopted this definition last year. A common definition gives the international aviation community an apples-to-apples way of comparing data. Analyzing trends in similar data from other countries could help identify ways to reduce runway hazards.

It is important to note that the FAA formerly tracked incidents that did not involve aircraft in potential conflict as “surface incidents” and not as runway incursions. Surface incidents were tracked and monitored separately from runway incursions. Most of these events are now considered Category C or D incursions, which are low-risk incidents with either no conflict potential or ample time or distance to avoid a collision. This means that the total number of runway incursions will rise, but only because surface incidents are now classified as Category C or D incursions.

There are four categories of runway incursions:

  • Category A is a serious incident in which a collision was narrowly avoided
  • Category B is an incident in which separation decreases and there is a significant potential for collision, which may result in a time critical corrective/evasive response to avoid a collision.
  • Category C is an incident characterized by ample time and/or distance to avoid a collision.
  • Category D is an incident that meets the definition of runway incursion such as incorrect presence of a single vehicle/person/aircraft on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take-off of aircraft but with no immediate safety consequences.

The following chart shows the total number of runway incursions from the beginning of fiscal year 2007 to the present, broken down by month and responsible party (pilots, controllers and vehicle operators and/or pedestrians). It also shows how the new definition – and the inclusion of surface incidents – has changed the total number of runway incursions since its adoption by the FAA in the beginning of FY 2008.

Runway Incursions

What's driving runway incursions? Fiscal year 2007 – present (view larger image)



More than 600,000 pilots made more than 61 million takeoffs and landings last year at airports with air traffic control towers. These operations were handled by about 14,000 air traffic controllers at more than 500 towered airports. Adding to this complex choreography are the hundreds of thousands of individuals who drive vehicles on airport grounds.

The sheer number of flights, people, and vehicles moving across airport runways and taxiways means there is no single way to reduce runway incursions. Runway safety is a shared responsibility among pilots, controllers, and vehicle drivers. Automated warning systems enhance runway safety, but education and situational awareness are the keys to preventing incursions.

FAA’s Runway Safety Management Strategy

To address the errors committed by pilots, air traffic controllers and airport-authorized vehicle operators and pedestrians, the FAA is focusing on outreach, awareness, improved infrastructure and technology.

Outreach to Pilots

Reducing Pilot Deviations

The majority of runway incursions are caused by pilots in violation of regulations and air traffic control instructions – also known as pilot deviations.

Acting FAA Administrator Robert Sturgell underscored with air carrier CEOs the importance of direct contact with all pilots and flight engineers about the continuing runway safety risk. Executives of the agency’s Flight Standards Service, including Director Jim Ballough and the Deputy Director John Allen, met with the chief pilot, director of safety, and director of operations for every U.S. air carrier. As a result of the FAA’s outreach, air carriers provided pilots and flights engineers with current data on runway incursions and required crew members to review online informational safety programs.  

Air Traffic Procedures

The FAA completed an analysis of taxi clearances and found that more explicit instructions are needed from controllers to pilots.  The FAA on May 18 issued the first of six new requirements, requiring controllers to give explicit directions to pilots on precise routes to take from the gate to the runway.

Future requirements will cover runway crossings clearances, take off clearances, multiple landing clearances and adaptation of international surface phraseology such as "line-up and wait" instead of the U.S. phraseology "position and hold."

Other outreach efforts:

  • The FAA published a booklet for pilots that highlights communication procedures for safe surface operations at towered and non-towered airports.
  • The agency created two online courses that educate pilots on runway safety. One is tailored for commercial aviation pilots and the other for general aviation pilots.
  • Every year, the FAA conducts hundreds of safety seminars across the country to encourage safe practices on the airfield.
  • The role of Flight Service Station (FSS) specialists was expanded to provide runway safety information to pilots using towered and non-towered airports.
  • FAA Aviation Safety Inspectors now verify that pilots have current surface movement charts (airport diagrams) available and that they are in use.

Situational Awareness

  • To enhance general aviation runway safety education, the FAA-produced DVDs highlight safe surface operations and proper communications procedures. A similar DVD for commercial pilots is currently in production.
  • To enhance air traffic supervisor and controller discussions of serious runway incursions during team briefings, the FAA is developing simulated recreations of actual incursions.
  • Airport managers and fixed-base operators participate in Runway Safety Action Teams to address airport-specific factors (e.g., procedures, environment and infrastructure) that affect runway safety. The FAA requires driver training programs for all airport operators who access the airfield movement areas at commercial airports.
  • The agency developed and initated controller training to enhance their skills in teamwork, communication, problem solving, situational awareness and managing workloads.


  • Airport Movement Area Safety System (AMASS). AMASS is a radar-based system that tracks ground movements and provides an alert to controllers if evasive action is required. The FAA has installed AMASS at the nation’s top 34 airports.
  • Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model X (ASDE-X) is an even more sophisticated surface detection technology. While AMASS is radar-based, meaning signals might bounce off rain and fog, ASDE-X integrates data from a variety of sources, including radars and aircraft transponders, to give controllers a more reliable view of airport operations. ASDE-X capabilities will be added to many of the sites that already have AMASS, as well as other busy airports.
  • The FAA is also testing new technologies that will alert pilots to potential runway incursions. One of these, called Runway Status Lights, is just as it sounds: a series of runway lights, not unlike traffic lights, that tell pilots whether or not runways are clear.Surface and terminal surveillance systems, such as ASDE-X and AMASS, detect the presence and motion of aircraft and vehicles on or near the runways. The Runway Status Light safety logic then assesses any possible conflicts with other surface traffic. Red entrance lights embedded in the pavement are illuminated if the runway is unsafe for entry or crossing, and red takeoff hold lights are illuminated if the runway is unsafe for departure. The operational evaluation of the runway entrance lights using ASDE-X surface surveillance was completed in June 2005 at Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport, and the system shows promising results. The lights were found to be compatible with the tempo and style of operations at a busy airport with no increase in controller workload. An enhanced lighting configuration is being installed on a second runway at Dallas-Ft. Worth this year.  Runway Status Lights with AMASS are currently being tested at San Diego, with promising results, and will begin testing at Los Angeles with ASDE-X next year. The FAA this summer is expected to issue a contract to a company to build a nationwide system. Including Dallas/Ft. Worth, San Diego and Los Angeles, a total of 22 airports will receive Runway Status Lights by 2011. The other airports are:
    • Atlanta
    • Boston
    • Charlotte
    • Chicago (O’Hare)
    • Denver
    • Detroit
    • Ft. Lauderdale
    • Houston (George Bush)
    • Las Vegas
    • Minneapolis
    • New York (JFK, LaGuardia and Newark)
    • Orlando
    • Philadelphia
    • Phoenix
    • Seattle
    • Washington (BWI and Dulles)
  • Other new technologies include an experimental system called the Final Approach Runway Occupancy Signal (FAROS), which is being tested at the Long Beach/Daugherty Field Airport in California.  FAROS is designed to prevent accidents on airport runways by activating a flashing light visible to landing pilots to warn them that the runway is occupied and hazardous. 
  • Moving Map Displays and Aural Alerts. The FAA will provide funding for users who agree to equip their aircraft with an Electronic Flight, which includes Moving Map Displays, or an aural runway alerting system.  In return, users will equip their aircraft within a certain time-frame and participate in a test bed program that will evaluate operational and safety data.  Both technologies will help reduce the number of pilot deviations, which account for the majority of runway incursions. They will be particularly useful to pilots at night, in poor weather or when the crew is not familiar with the airport layout. The Moving Map Display shows an aircraft’s precise position on the airfield.  The aural alerting system lets pilots know where they are on the runways they are entering, crossing, or departing from.  It is possible that the FAA will give multiple awards.  The total of all awards will not exceed $5 million. 
  • Low Cost Surveillance Systems. The agency is also considering the use of low-cost, commercially available radar surveillance systems that would reduce the risk of runway incursions at certain small and medium-sized airports. These systems would be installed at airports that do not have Airport Surface Detection Equipment (either ASDE-3 or ASDE-X). Two such systems (different technologies) are currently being tested at Spokane, Washington. Lower traffic levels and less complex operations at these airports allow ground operations to be safely conducted through visual and voice communication between controllers and pilots. A low-cost system would further reduce the risk of ground incidents or accidents, especially during periods of low visibility. The FAA requested bids from companies interested in providing a low-cost system that wuld be tested at six additional airports. The testing at the six additional sites, along with the current testing at Spokane, will allow the FAA to choose a vendor to provide systems for 20 to 30 airports nationwide.

Other Initiatives

The FAA’s Call to Action

FAA and industry leaders in August identified short-term steps to improve runway safety. These initiatives focused on improved procedures, increased training for airport and airline personnel, and enhanced airports signs and markings. The FAA conducted a runway safety review of 20 airports – a list based on runway incursion data and wrong-runway issues. Based on the findings, airports took action to improve signage and paint markings, as well put training programs in place for airport personnel. A second tier of 22 airports have been identified for these surface safety reviews. Another short-term initiative is an agreement with the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) to put in place a voluntary reporting system. Mid- and long-term goals are being pursued to address maximizing situational awareness, minimizing pilot distraction, and eliminating runway incursions using procedures and technologies. For a detailed status report, see Call to Action fact sheet.

The Runway Safety Council

This is a joint effort between the FAA and the aviation industry to look into the root causes of runway incursions. The Runway Safety Council, which began meeting in late March, is comprised of 12 to 15 representatives from various parts of the aviation industry. A working group integrates investigations of severe runway incursions and conducts a root cause analysis. The working group then presents its root cause analysis to the council and makes recommendations on ways to improve runway safety. The council reviews the recommendations. If accepted, they are assigned to the part of the FAA and/or the industry that is best able to control the root cause and prevent further runway incursions. The council tracks recommendations to make sure appropriate action is taken.

Evaluating Incursions

The FAA has established a new voluntary program that gathers runway safety data on surface incidents and runway incursions. The information is available in a centralized database. The primary means of gathering the data is through in-depth interviews of pilots and maintenance technicians involved in these incidents. Analysis of the data is used to implement risk-reduction mitigation programs, produce guidance and augment technologies. Called the Runway Incursion Information and Evaluation Program (RIIEP), it provides safety information that identifies the root causes of pilot deviations that result in runway incursions.

Improved Management Oversight

The FAA established regional runway safety program manager positions for each region. Additionally, Runway Incursion Action Teams were established for specific airports. To date, more than 700 action team meetings have been held at approximately 430 airports with countless follow-up meetings at every airport.

Airfield Changes

  • The FAA developed standards for end-round taxiways, which can keep aircraft from having to cross runways being used for takeoffs and landings at the busiest airports. New end-round taxiways at Atlanta and Dallas-Fort Worth will eliminate more than 2,000 runway crossings each day.
  • The FAA encourages operators to build perimeter roads around the airfield so that vehicles do not have to be driven across taxiways and runways.

Airport Signs, Marking and Lighting

The FAA updates standards for runway marking and signs, eliminating confusion on airfields. Some of those updates include:

  • Changing the airfield markings (paint) standard for taxiway centerlines at 75 airports (based on enplanements) to require new markings that will alert pilots when they are approaching hold short lines.
  • Working with airport operators to install stop bars at certain runway/taxiway intersections. A stop bar is a series of in-pavement and elevated red lights that indicate to pilots that they may not cross.
  • Recommending that airports improve how they provide information on rapidly changing runway and taxiway construction and closings. The FAA wants airports to provide airlines and pilots with diagrams giving the latest information on runway construction and closings. This would be distributed by email, on a web site or hand-delivery. It would supplement Notices to Airmen (NOTAMS), which are printed as text or delivered verbally, and thus do not have diagrams.

Runway Safety Areas

  • Since the late 1980’s the FAA has had in effect standards for runway safety areas that exceed ICAO standards.
  • The FAA accelerated the improvement of runway safety areas that do not meet agency design standards. Since 2000, 63 percent of the runway safety areas identified as “high priority” have been improved. The FAA expects to have 72 percent of the safety areas improved by the end of 2008 and all practicable improvements made by 2015.
  • The FAA, in partnership with industry and airport operators, conducted research to develop a soft-ground arrestor system to quickly stop aircraft that overrun the end of a runway. On the basis of that research, the FAA issued a specification for engineered material arresting systems, or EMAS. An EMAS bed provides a safety enhancement on runway ends where there is not enough level, cleared land for a standard runway safety area. EMAS has been installed at more than 30 runway ends at 21 airports with plans to install 14 additional EMAS systems at 8 additional airports in the United States.
