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Peace Corps

About the Peace Corps
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What Do Volunteers Do?

Where Do Volunteers Go?
Central America and Mexico
South America
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
North Africa and the Middle East
Pacific Islands

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What are the Benefits?

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Life is calling. How far will you go?

About the Peace Corps

Where Do Volunteers Go?
Eastern Europe and Central Asia Asia North Africa and The Middle East Africa The Pacific Islands The Carribean Central America and Mexico South America
Explore Africa


Benin Mali
Botswana Mauritania
Burkina Faso Mozambique
Cameroon Namibia
Cape Verde Niger
Ethiopia Senegal
The Gambia South Africa
Ghana Swaziland
Guinea Tanzania
Kenya Togo
Lesotho Uganda
Madagascar Zambia


Burundi Mauritius
Central African Republic Nigeria
Chad Republic of Congo
Comoros Rwanda
Cote D'ivoire Sao Tome and Principe
Democratic Republic of Congo Seychelles
Equitorial Guinea Sierra Leone
Eritrea Somalia
Gabon Sudan
Guinea-Bissau Zimbabwe
Explore Africa



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1983-1993
Volunteers Served: 150



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1971-1975
Volunteers Served: 48


Central African Republic

Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1972-1996
Volunteers Served: 906



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1961-1971, 1992-1995
Volunteers Served: 2,094



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1966-1979, 1987-1990, 1990-1998, 2003-2006
Volunteers Served: 0
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Republic of Congo

Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1991-1997
Volunteers Served: 139



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1988-1995
Volunteers Served: 79



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1975-1993
Volunteers Served: 114


Cote D'ivoire

Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1962-1981, 1990-2003
Volunteers Served: 1,533


Sao Tome and Principe

Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1990-1996
Volunteers Served: 62


Democratic Republic of Congo

Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1970-1991
Volunteers Served: 2,530



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1974-1995
Volunteers Served: 49


Equitorial Guinea

Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1988-1993
Volunteers Served: 61


Sierra Leone

Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1962-1992, 1992-1994
Volunteers Served: 3,479



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1995-1998
Volunteers Served: 86



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1962-1970
Volunteers Served: 357



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1963-1967, 1973-2005
Volunteers Served: 1,460
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Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1984-1986
Volunteers Served: 8



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1988-1998
Volunteers Served: 177



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1991-2002
Volunteers Served: 366



Status: Presently Inactive
Program dates: 1962-1990
Volunteers Served: 3,832

active countries active countries inactive countries inactive countries
Peaceeace Corps Volunteers respond to various needs that impact Africa's development. These include the importance of HIV/AIDS prevention and education, girls' education, the increasing pressures of environmental degradation, advances in information technology, and the democratization process that some countries are committed to supporting.

Peace Corps has continued to develop a strong partnership with the people of Africa. Volunteers currently work in the areas of education, health and HIV/AIDS, business development, agriculture, and the environment.