The calculator shown below allows you to estimate your
Social Security benefit. However, for the most accurate estimates,
use the Detailed Calculator.
You need to enter all your past earnings, which are shown on your Social Security
Statement. We automatically
send Social Security Statements to workers or former workers age 25
or older about 3 months before their birthdays. If
you have not received one, you can submit a request
online and receive your Statement by mail in 2 to 4 weeks.
However, if you request a Statement this year, we will not automatically
send you another Statement until next year.
Please Note :
The Online Calculator is updated periodically with new benefit increases
and other benefit amounts. Therefore, it is likely that your benefit
estimates in the future will differ from those calculated today.
The Online Calculator works on PCs and Macs with Javascript enabled.
Some browsers may not allow you to print the table below.
The Online Calculator temporarily stores information on your local
computer while your browser is open. To protect
your personal information, you should close your browser after you
have finished your estimate.
(For reasons of privacy and to protect your records from
unauthorized users, this calculator is not linked to your record of
earnings in our database. Instead, we ask you to insert your earnings
in the calculator. As we develop more secure authentication
procedures in the future, we will insert your numbers
directly from our earnings database.)
Benefit eligibility
You must have sufficient earnings over a number of years to be insured for benefits. The requirements vary for retirement, disability, and survivor benefits. With the information you provided, these are the benefits you are eligible for:
Benefit estimates
Here are your benefit estimates.
For the disability and survivors estimates that follow, we assumed you became disabled or died in 2008. We did not use earnings after 2008 in calculating these estimates.
Your monthly
survivor benefits:
Retirement planning
Now, make note of your monthly benefit estimate (in future, inflated dollars) and continue your planning with our: