Food and Drug Administration

Food Advisory Committee
Methyl Mercury

December 10-11, 2003

Briefing Information

Table of Contents [pdf] [htm] [Word]

TAB 1 – Summary minutes of subcommittee Meetings

TAB 2 – Summary minutes of FAC on Methyl Mercury, July 2002 [pdf]

TAB 3 – Current FDA and EPA consumer advisories

TAB 4 – Joint FDA/EPA stakeholder meeting, July 2003

TAB 5 – Progress Report on the Recommendations from the 2002 Food Advisory Committee Meeting [pdf] [htm] [Word]

TAB 6 – Recent testing data of mercury in fish [pdf] [Word] Revised [pdf] [Word]

TAB 7 – Peer Review Summary – EPA

Response to Reviewers Peer Review of "An Intervention Analysis of Exposure to Methylmercury for Consumption of Seafood" [pdf] [htm] [Word]

TAB 8 – Current Exposure Assessment

An Intervention Analysis for the Reduction of Exposure to Methylmercury from the Consumption of Seafood by Women of Child-bearing Age [pdf] [Word]