Pennsylvania Avenue at 15th Street

Washington, D. C. 20004-1099


December 10, 2003



9:30           Welcome and Introductions

                             Dr. Sanford Miller

                             Chairman, Food Advisory Committee (FAC)


9:40            Conflict of Interest Statement

                             Catherine DeRoeverLinda Reed

                             Acting Executive Secretary, FAC


9:45            Opening Remarks 

Joseph A. Levitt

Director, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)


10:00          Subcommittee Reports:


Infant Formula

                                       Ms. Jeanne Lathamm


                                       Questions of Clarification

                                                Food Advisory Committee (FAC) Members


                                       Public Comment on the Infant Formula Report


                                       FAC Discussion and Comment


                             Contaminants and Natural Toxicants – Enterobacter sakazakii


                                       Dr. Frank Busta/Ms. Jeanne Latham


                                       Questions of Clarification

                                                Food Advisory Committee (FAC) Members


                                       Public Comment on the Enterobacter sakazakii Report


                                       FAC Discussion and Comment




Dietary Supplements

Dr. Johanna Dwyer/Ms. Jeanne Latham


Questions of Clarification

                                                Food Advisory Committee (FAC) Members


                                       Public Comment on the Dietary Supplement Report


                                       FAC Discussion


                             Additives and Ingredients

Dr. Johanna Dwyer/Mr. Richard Bonnette         


Questions of Clarification

                                                Food Advisory Committee (FAC) Members


                                       Public Comment on the Infant FormulaAdditives and Ingredients Report


                                       FAC Discussion


                             Food Biotechnology

                                       Dr. Frank Busta/Dr. Michael Watson


                             Contaminants and Natural Toxicants – Enterobacter sakazakii

                                      Dr. Frank Busta/Ms. Jeanne Latham

                                       Questions of Clarification

                                                Food Advisory Committee (FAC) Members


                                       Public Comment on the Infant Formula Food Biotechnology Report


                                       FAC Discussion



12:30                    Lunch                             Infant Formula

        Dr. Cutberto Garza/Ms. Jeanne Latham


11:00    Questions of Clarification

Food Advisory Committee (FAC) Members


11:30    Public Comment on Subcommittee Reports


12:00     FAC Discussion and Comment


12:30    Lunch




1:45                     Review of the Status Report and Response to Food Advisory Committee’s  Recommendations on MethylmercuryMethyl mercury in Fish and Shellfish


I am fearful that we have crafted an agenda which again asks the FAC for their opinion…and we will start another round of revisions. It must lay out that we have taken their recommendations seriously and have developed a joint advisory through focus group testing that will be launched in 2004 and target pregnant womenand women of childbearing age. WE should only ask if we have addressed their recommendations- if so then this is our outcome based on exposure assessment, target at –risk group,  balanced diet and nutritional benefits of fish and shellfish; focus group testing of meaningful message and today’s public comment





                             Dr. David Acheson

                             Chief Medial Officer, CFSAN






2:1500            Report of FDA and EPA Development of a Joint Advisory


                             CFSAN -  (2010 minutes)

Dr. David Acheson -- Who? Acheson


                             EPA -  (2010 minutes)

Denise Keehner, Director


SStandards and Health Protection Division

Office of Water, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency  (EPA)                                                     


– Who? Keener



2:345            Questions of Clarification

                             FAC Members



3:003:15            Exposure Assessment and Peer Review

                             Peer Review

Rita Schoeny, Senior Scientist

Office of Water, EPA



Exposure Assessment   (20 minutes)


Dr. Michael Bolger/Dr. Clark Carrington

                                       Senior Scientist for Risk Assessment, CFSAN


                             Peer Review (20 minutes)

EPA- to speak on Peer Review and response

Rita Schoeny, Senior Scientist

Office of Water, EPA


3:4045            Questions of Clarification

                             FAC Members


4:1515            Adjourn



December 11, 2003



8:30            Call to Order

                             Chairman Miller


8:35            Draft Consumer Message, Focus Group testing

                             Dr. Marjorie Davidson

                             Program Leader for Food Safety Education, CFSAN


8:50            Questions of Clarification

                             FAC Members




9:00            Joint Advisory:  (Note: presentation of advisory and response to FAC recommendations based on above)   Insert Joint advisory


                             CFSAN (10 minutes)

             Dr. David Acheson


EPA (10 minutes)

Jeffrey Bigler, National Program Manager

          National Fish and Wildlife Contamination Program

          Office of Water, EPA


FDA and EPA presentation of  advisory and response to FAC recommendations based on above


9:2015            Public Comments


12:2015           Questions of Clarification

                             FAC Members


12:45           Lunch


2:00            FAC Discussion and Comments


4:00            Adjourn

[1] The times indicated on this tentative agenda are approximations.  Breaks will also be called as deemed appropriate by the Chairman.