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Commander Edmund L. Jones

Known to all his friends as Ted,
reported as a deck officer in the Coast and Geodetic Survey on November 1, 1929, just a few months after receiving his degree in civil engineering from the University of Michigan. During the intervening time to the beginning of World War II, Ted was engaged primarily in the hydrographic and photogrammetric activities of the Bureau. Transferred to the Marine Corps in 1942, Ted served in the Southwest Pacific area before returning to the Survey in 1945. After the war he continued photogrammetric and hydrographic duties, serving in the Washington office as Assistant Chief of the Photogrammetry Division for 2 years as well as on the EXPLORER and the PATTON. Since 1952 he has been chief of one of the largest triangulation parties in the field until his very recent transfer in January 1956 to become commanding officer of the COWIE.

His administrative ability, technical knowledge and personnel management have made his field party an outstanding one. This outstanding performance was never better demonstrated than during the past season in Alaska when his party was given one of the most difficult assignments of the year, namely, triangulation surveys from Steven's Village on the Yukon River northward across the Brooks Range to the Arctic Ocean. This project normally would have required two or more seasons. However, due to the outstanding administrative and technical abilities of Commander Jones and the wonderful cooperation which he inspired in his men the entire project was completed in one short season.

Ted's season reports are a joy to the office because, pictorially and graphically, he submits a complete account of the party's activities. Ted is a great believer in good public relations, and his party never goes into a new territory that he does not make friends for the Coast Survey with his friendly dealings with the press and community activities.

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Central Library.
Last Updated: June 8, 2006 9:27 AM

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