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Lieutenant Commander Alfred L. Giacomini died Thursday morning, February 7, Alfred Giacomini1935, in Garfield Hospital, Washington, D.C., after a short illness.

Born in Oakland, California, December 15, 1876, he graduated from the University of California in 1899, and entered the Bureau's service shortly afterward.

For many years he served on vessels engaged on the survey of the coast of Alaska, taking active part in hydrographic work, triangulation, and astronomic observations. He was attached to the Ship PATTERSON during the season that chronometric longitudes were determined at a number of points in the Bering Sea, and assisted in the observations on Nunivak Island. Later he was a member of the party which explored and surveyed the approaches to the Kuskokwin River, in the Bering Sea. Commander Giacomini also had extensive surveying experience in the Philippine Islands, and was on that duty in 1917 when he was transferred to the United States Naval Reserve Force and assigned to duty on the U.S.S. WILMINGTON. He later served as executive officer of the ex-Dutch Ship Tjikenbang which was operated by the Navy as a troop and freight transport on the run from New York to France.

On February 25, 1919, he was released from the Navy and returned to duty in the Coast and Geodetic Survey, serving as assistant chief of the division of charts until 1927, when he was assigned to the duty of flight checking the new airway maps of the Department of Commerce. He continued on this duty until the time of this death.

During his experience of 8 years as a flight checker he had many close calls and was in several crack-ups, but was never seriously injured. His genial disposition endeared him to all, and his work was an important contribution in the production of the airway maps of the United States.

Publication of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NOAA Central Library.
Last Updated: June 8, 2006 9:27 AM

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