Privacy Act Issuances: Search TipsSample Searches | Identification Codes Sample Searches (3)The following sample searches are provided as guides to general types of searches in the Unified Agenda databases. Unless otherwise indicated, the searches are performed in the 1998 Unified Agenda database. For the sake of space, only the top three or four hits in each results list are included with each example below.
Subject | Agency | System Name This type of search returns documents related to a specific subject. The word(s) that you enter as your search term(s) may appear anywhere within the document.
This type of search returns documents based on the name of the issuing agency. This search was modified and made more specific with the addition of the phrase "payroll records". This modification makes the search much more specific than if you searched by agency name. As an alternative, you can use the agency field in conjunction with the subject. The asterisk (*) will pick up the word researchers (plural) as well as the singular word researcher.
This type of search turns document based on a particular field. This query will only retrieve documents that have the phrase "security records system" as the system name.
Identification CodesEach document in the Privacy Act database online via GPO Access will be displayed in the results list with an identification code followed by the initial words of the title. The identification code for the Privacy Act database lists the database name and the Federal Agency's name. For example, Privacy Act: Defense Department. |