Office of Inspector General

OIG Audit Reports

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The following is a list of audit reports prepared by the Office of Inspector General. The documents in boldface type are available in electronic form, otherwise a paper copy will be mailed to you if you so request. Please include your name, street address, city, state, and zip code as well as the document number and date of the desired publication. For your convenience, a mail-to link is provided.












  • Federal Trade Commission Audited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 1997 (98-040) 07/98
  • Survey of Telephone Practices Used by FTC Regional Offices in Response to Consumer and Business Inquiries (98-039) 03/98
  • Follow Up Review of the Federal Trade Commission's Computer Systems Security (98-038) 12/97
  • Audit of the Federal Trade Commission's Implementation of OMB Circular No. A-50 Audit Follow Up (98-937) 12/97


  • Compliance Review of Interior Systems, Inc.'s Performance in the FTC's Records Processing Unit During the Period March 1, 1996 - September 30, 1996 (97-036) 09/97
  • Review of the Federal Trade Commission's Computer Service Continuity Policies and Procedures (97-35) 01/97
  • Executive Summary: Review of the Federal Trade Commission's Computer Systems Security (97-034) 12/96


  • Review of the Redress Administration Office's Oversight of Contractors (96-032) 09/96
  • Review of FTC Compliance with the Government-Issued American Express Charge Card Program (96-033) 06/96
  • Audit Report of Gilardi & Company Redress Distribution Activities for the Period July 1, 1993 through July 31, 1995 (96-030) 02/96
  • Audit Report of Garden City Group, Inc. Redress Distribution Activities for the Period July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995 (96-031) 02/96


  • Program Inspection Review of the Federal Trade Commission's Controls Over the Use of Key Cards (95-029) 09/95
  • Review of Receiver Activities and Outcomes in FTC Consumer Fraud Cases (05-027) 05/95
  • Review of FTC's Contract Administration of Information Management and Custodian Services (95-028)05/95


  • Review of Unliquidated Obligations (03-022) 03/94
  • Inspector General Review of Federal Procurement Data Center Transactions, Lobbying Certifications Regarding the Use of Appropriated Funds, and Agency Employees Detailed to Congress (94-025) 03/94
  • Survey of the Role the Bureau of Economics Performs in Support of the FTC’s Antitrust Enforcement Mission (94-026)1


  • Compliance With Hart-Scott-Rodino Premerger Filing Requirements (93-024) 06/93
  • Review of the FTC's Process for Referring Section 13(b) Cases for Criminal Prosecution (93-018) 06/93
  • Inspector General Review of Federal Procurement Data Center Transactions, Lobbying Certifications Regarding the Use of Appropriated Funds, and Agency Employees Detailed to Congress (93-023) 03/93
  • Review of the FTC's Overtime Pay Administration (93-021)04/93
  • FTC's Implementation of OMB Circular A-50: Audit Follow up (93-019) 03/93
  • Audit Report of FTC Imprest Fund as of June 8, 1992 (93-020)02/93


  • FTC's Administration of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (92-017) 03/92
  • Review of the FTC's Library Services (92-016) 03/92
  • Review of FTC's Implementation of the Consumer Leasing Act (92-015) 03/92
  • Agency's Compliance with 31 U.S.C. 1114(b) and 31 U.S.C. 1352(d)(3) (92-014) 03/92


  • FTC's Printer Paper Waste (91-013) 09/91
  • Travel Management Audit for Fiscal Year 1990 (91-012) 09/91
  • Management Security Over Automated Information Systems (91-011) 03/91
  • FTC’s Compliance with the Prompt Payment Act (91-010) 03/91
  • Agency's Compliance with 31 U.S.C. 1114(b) and 31 U.S.C. 1352(d)(3) (91-009) 02/91


  • Audit of FTC’s Premerger Filing Fees(91-008) 12/90
  • Controls Over Premerger Materials(91-007) 11/90
  • Audit of the FTC’s Civil Penalty Collection Process (90-006) 08/90
  • Controls over the Employment of Experts and Consultants (90-005) 05/90
  • Procurement and Contract Management Activities (90-004) 03/90
  • Audit of Dream Away Diet Pill Redress Distribution (90-003) 03/90


  • Audit of FTC’s Consumer Redress Distribution Process (90-002) 12/89
  • Imprest Fund Examination ( 90-001) 10/89

1 A formal OIG report was not issued as survey data did not result in any findings that would lead to recommendations to alter the process. In addition, new BE and BC management are actively discussing their respective roles in the investigative process to determine whether improvements are possible.

Last Modified: Thursday, 10-Jul-2008 17:35:00 EDT