NASA SBIR SUCCESS STORY  Marshall Space Flight Center 
1995 Phase III 

Web-Based Workgroup, Training, and Outreach Tools  

AZ Technology, Inc. 

Huntsville, AL 

    Combining the power of the telephone, personal computer, and the Internet to create systems that support workgroups, educational/training activities, and outreach around the country and the world.
Live Web Meeting Tool (Left) and Extranet/Learning Management Web Site (Right)
Live Web Meeting Tool (Left) and Extranet/Learning Management Web Site (Right)
  • Developed and integrated Web-based workgroup and training systems to support NASA in the areas of business and education outreach.
  • Aided MSFC's Technology Transfer Department (TTD) in providing an Internet-based collaborative workshop for hundreds of small businesses.
  • Developed Live from Space Station Museum Kiosk for Space Station traveling exhibit.
  • Developed training portal for National Institutes of Mental Health hospitals and schools of medicine research program.
  • A systems integrator, customizer, and reseller for Centra, First Virtual Communications, MPEG, Real, Windows Media, and Polycom Web-based workgroup and audio-video products and services.
  • Spurred growth in AZTek IT Group to allow company to join SAIC NASA UNITeS Information Technology support team.
  • On-line learning and training systems.
  • Audio-video streaming systems for large broadcasts and seminars.
  • For education, healthcare, public outreach.
For more information about this firm, please send e-mail to
company representative 

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Curator: SBIR Support            10/22/04