NASA SBIR SUCCESS STORY Jet Propulsion Laboratory
1994 Phase II

Software Development Package for Intelligent Reactive Systems

Real-Time Innovations, Inc.

Sunnyvale, CA

    Built a completely integrated toolset, capable of modeling, implementing, and testing complex electromechanical systems
Software Development Package for Intelligent ReactiveSystems
Shuttle Checkout and Launch Control System
  • Developed top-down and bottom-up software development tools for real-time applications
  • Toolset integrated with an object-oriented modeling system, a reusable interface-definition system, an integrated software repository, and a complete run-time development and test environment
  • Expect Controlshell software to revolutionize the development of autonomous, reactive systems
  • Evolved into product called Constellation which has been a commercial success
  • Software development tool for NASA's redesigned Shuttle checkout and launch control system
  • Received $600,000 contract with Kennedy Space Flight Center plus consulting and maintenance fees
  • Potential software development tool for many future NASA missions, including robotics, vehicle control, and rovers
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Information Sciences/Data Handling , Software

Curator: SBIR Support            1/16/06