1998 Phase 2

Range Process Simulation Tool (RPST)

Knowledge Based Systems, Inc.

College Station , TX

  • RPST is intended for use by Range Planners and Range Technology Portfolio Managers to quantitatively assess range operational performance and assess the impact of Range technology changes / upgrades on operational performance.
  • RPST is a novel, model-based approach for change impact assessment and a component-based, scaleable, open architecture approach that facilitates a cost effective deployment to varying space port application situations.
Motran Software Package
RPST Experiment and Analysis  
Flow Architecture    
Example RPST Output

  • Applied for and was awarded a Phase 1 Phase II and a Phase III SBIR contract through Kennedy Space Center's SBIR/STTR Program
  • RPST methods and design have been incorporated into KBSI's WorkSim - Copyrighted software.
  • Trademark Name: RPST methods and design have been incorporated into KBSI's WorkSim-Copyrighted software.
  • KBSI has already acquired several follow-on federally funded and commercial R&D contracts to refine, enhance, and deploy the software's capability with other organizations.
  • Primary targets/potential market: RPST methods and tools have been adapted and are being evaluated (with follow-on investments) by United Space Alliance, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army. Total value of additional investment (government and commercial) to date is $1,220,000.00
  • RPST software tool was delivered for initial end user testing at the CapeCanaveral Air Force Station (Eastern Range).
  • RPST has been adapted for US Army applications, including Special Forces scheduling and a Black Hawk Fleet Management Demonstration (BHFMD) Project
  • BHFMD project goals are to reduce operations and support costs, improve force protection, improve the flow of logistical information, improving aircraft maintainability, and increasing aircraft readiness.
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Curator: SBIR Support 