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Neurobiology of Behavioral Control in Drug Abuse

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 74 [Printed in 1986]

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Table of Contents


Stephen Szara

Basic Research Strategies for Imaging Neurotransmitter Systems-----6
Solomon H. Snyder

Measurement of Neurotransmitter Receptors by Positron Emission Tomography: Focus on the Opiate Receptor-----15
J. James Frost

The Personality Structure of Heroin Addicts-----25
Robert J. Craig

Locus of Control and Need for Control Among Heroin Users-----37
Don C. Des Jarlais

Personality Characteristics and Self-Abusive Behavior-----45
Donald G. Forgays

Sensation Seeking and the Endogenous Deficit Theory of Drug Abuse-----59
Marvin Zuckerman

Control vs. Lack of Control Over Aversive Stimuli: Nonopioid-Opioid Analgesic Consequences-----71
Robert C. Drugan and Steven F. Maier

Behavioral Contingencies Involved in Drug-Induced Neurotransmitter Turnover Changes-----90
Steven I. Dworkin and James E. Smith

Receptor Regulation as a Function of Experience-----107
Frits A. Henn, Emmeline Edwards, and David Anderson

Clinical and Behavioral Considerations in Emission Tomography Study Design-----117
Reese T. Jones

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----126

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