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Behavioral Intervention Techniques in Drug Abuse Treatment

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 46 [Printed in 1984]

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Table of Contents

William Pollin

Therapeutic Application of Behavioral Techniques: An Overview-----1
John Grabowski, Maxine L. Stitzer, and Jack E. Henningfield

Problems in Methadone Treatment: The Influence of Reference Groups-----8
Dana E. Hunt, Douglas S. Lipton, Douglas S. Goldsmith, and David L. Strug

Treatment of Behavioral and Psychiatric Problems Associated With Opiate Dependence-----23
George E. Woody, A. Thomas McLellan, and Charles P. O'Brien

The Role of Behavioral Contingency Management in Drug Abuse Treatment-----36
George E. Bigelow, Maxine L. Stitzer, and Ira A. Liebson

Behavioral Treatment of Drug Dependence-----53
Roy W. Pickens and Travis Thompson

Contingency Contracting Treatment of Drug-Abusing Physicians, Nurses, and Dentists-----68
Thomas J. Crowley

Contingency Management of Supplemental Drug Use During Methadone Maintenance Treatment-----84
Maxine L. Stitzer, George E. Bigelow, Ira A. Liebson, and Mary E. McCaul

A Contingency Analysis of Family Treatment and Drug Abuse-----104
Thomas C. Todd

The Job Seekers' Workshop: A Skill Training Program for Drug Treatment Clients-----115
Sharon M. Hall, Peter C. Loeb, and Tim Allen

Brokerage Model Rehabilitation System for Opiate Dependence: A Behavioral Analysis-----131
Travis Thompson, Jon Koerner, and John Grabowski

Behavioral Intervention Techniques in Drug Abuse Treatment: Summary of Discussion-----131
Maxine L. Stitzer, John Grabowski, and Jack E. Henningfield

Conference Participants-----157

List of Monographs-----158

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