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Behavioral Pharmacology of Human Drug Dependence

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 37 [Printed in 1981]

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Table of Contents

Robert C. Petersen

John Grabowski and J. Michael Walsh

Behavioral Mechanisms and Loci of Drug Dependence: An Overview-----1
Travis Thompson

Murray E. Jarvik

Common Mechanisms in Substance Abuse-----11
Joseph V. Brady

Towards a Rapprochement Between Clinical Pharmacology and Behavioral Pharmacology-----21
Louis Lasagna

Discussion: An Analysis of Commonalities in Substance Abuse and Habitual Behavior-----27
Peter K. Levison

Personality Factors in Human Drug Self-Administration-----45
Roy W. Pickens and Leonard L. Heston

Personality Factors in Methadone Self-Administration by Heroin Addicts-----63
George E. Woody, A. Thomas McLellan, Charles P. O'Brien, and Lester Luborsky

History of Drug Exposure as a Determinant of Drug Self-Administration-----75
Alice M. Young, Seymore Herling, and James H. Woods

Contributions of Reinforcement Schedule Histories to Our Understanding of Drug Effects in Human Subjects-----90
Harold Weiner

Classically Conditioned Phenomena in Human Opiate Addiction-----107
Charles P. O'Brien, Joseph W. Termes, John Grabowski, and Ronald Ehrman

Internal Stimulus Control and Subjective Effects of Drugs-----116
Charles R. Schuster, Marian W. Fischman, and Chris E. Johanson

Social Stimulus Factors in Drug Effects in Human Subjects-----130
Maxine L. Stitzer, Roland R. Griffiths, George E. Bigelow, and Ira A. Liebson

Discussion: Stimulus Control and Drug Dependence-----155
Donald R. Jasinski

Differential Drug Effects as a Function of the Controlling Consequences-----159
James E. Barrett.

Predicting the Dependence Liability of Stimulant Drugs-----182
Roland R. Griffiths, Joseph V. Brady, and George E. Bigelow

Establishment of Orally Delivered Drugs as Reinforcers for Rhesus Monkeys: Some Relations to Human Drug Dependence-----197
Richard A. Meisch and Marilyn E. Carroll

Human Dependence on Tobacco and Opioids: Common Factors-----210
Jack E. Henningfield, Roland R. Griffiths, and Donald R. Jasinski

Discussion: Commonalities and Differences Among Reinforcers-----235
Chris E. Johanson

Second-Order Schedules: Extended Sequences of Behavior Controlled by Brief Environmental Stimuli Associated with Drug Self-Administration-----241
Steven R. Goldberg and Michael L. Gardner

The Place of Adjunctive Behavior in Drug Abuse Research-----271
John L. Falk

Discussion: Complex Schedules and Maintenance of Drug Dependence-----279
James E. Barrett

Discussion: Complex Schedules and Maintenance of Drug Dependence-----282
Nancy K. Mello

Conference Participants-----287

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----290

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