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Medications Development: Drug Discovery, Databases, and Computer-Aided Drug Design

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 134 [Printed in 1993]

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Table of Contents

Strategies for Drug Discovery-----1
Michael Williams

Mass Ligand-Binding Screening Strategies for Identification of Leads for New Drug Discovery-----37
Ronald M. Burch

Antibody- and Peptide Structure-Based Drug Design-----46
Manfred E. Wolff

The Use of Cloned Human Receptors for Drug Design-----56
Paul R. Hartig

Synthetic Peptide Combinatorial Libraries May Be Used To Determine Peptide Ligands for Opioid Receptors-----66
Richard A. Houghten and Colette T. Dooley

Preparation of Large Peptide Libraries With One Peptide per Bead and Their Use for the Discovery of Peptides That Bind to Acceptors-----75
Victor J. Hruby, Kit S. Lam, Michal Lebl, Wieslaw Kazmierski, Evan M. Hersh, and Sydney E. Salmon

Computer Design of Bioactive Compounds Based on 3-D Properties of Ligands-----64
Y.C. Martin

Toward the Design of New Inhibitors: A Computer Modeling Approach-----103
Carlos H. Faerman

Efforts To Improve the Utilization of Protein Sequence and Structure Databases-----114
Nagarajan Pattabiraman and Krishnan Namboodiri

Use of Computer Graphics in Drug Design-----129
G. W.A. Milne and M.C. Nicklaus

Purification and Cloning of Opioid Receptors-----146
Ling-Yuan Li, Ying-Fu Su, Zeng-Ming Zhang, Chih-Shung Wong, and Kwen-Jen Chang

Computer-Assisted Design of Dopamine Transporter Ligands-----165
Gilda H. Loew, Hugo 0. Villar, Patricia A. Maguire, and M. Frances Davies

The Pharmacophore for Opioid Activity-----178
Mark Froimo witz

The Molecular Basis of Opioid Potency and Selectivity: Morphiceptins, Dermorphins, Deltorphins, and Enkephalins-----195
Murray Goodman, Seonggu Ro, George …sapay, Toshimasa Yamazaki, and Alexander Polinsky

Molecular Determinants of Cannabinoid Activity: Toward the Design of Cannabinoid Analgesics With Reduced Psychoactive Liability-----210
Patricia H. Reggio

Cocaine Receptor: A Structure-Activity Relationship Study-----229
F. Ivy Carroll, Anita H. Lewin, Michael J. Kuhar, and John W. Baja

The Use of Conformational Restriction and Molecular Modeling Techniques in the Development of Receptor-Specific Opioid Peptide Agonists and Antagonists-----236
Peter W. Schiller, Thi M.-D. Nguyen, Grazyna Weltrowska, Nga N. Chung, Carole Lemieux, Brian J. Marsden, and Brian C. Wilkes

Probes for the Cannabinoid Sites of Action-----253
Alexandros Makriyannis

A Model for the Structural Basis of -Opiloid Receptor Selectivity-----266
Henry I. Mosberg and Frank Porreca

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----281

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