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Methodological Issues in Epidemiological, Prevention, and Treatment Research on Drug-Exposed Women and Their Children

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 117 [Printed in 1991]

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Table of Contents


Session: ldentifying Research Questions, Designs, and Analyses

Methodological Issues in Prevention Research on Drug Use and Pregnancy-----1
Lewayne D. Gilchrist and Mary Rogers Gillmore

Measurement Issues in the Evaluation of Experimental Treatment Interventions-----18
A. Thomas McLellan

Discussion: Statistical Analysis in Treatment and Prevention Program Evaluation-----31
Joel W. Ager

Session: Quantificatlon of Extent and Duration of Drug Use

Role of Biologic Markers in Epidemiologic Studies of Prenatal Drug Exposure: Issues in Study Design-----41
Michael B. Bracken, Brian Leaderer, and Kathleen Belanger

Detection of Prenatal Drug Exposure in the Pregnant Woman and Her Newborn Infant-----61
Enrique M. Ostrea, Jr.

Methodological Issues in Obtaining and Managing Substance Abuse Information From Prenatal Patients-----80
Robert J. Sokol, Joel W. Ager, and Susan S. Martier

Discussion: Caveats in Testing for Drugs of Abuse-----98
David A. Kidwell

Session: Subject Selection, Recruitment, and Retention Issues

Who Is It Going To Be? Subject Selection Issues in Prenatal Drug Exposure Research-----121
Peter A. Fried

Subject Recruitment and Retention for Longitudinal Research: Practical Considerations for a Nonintervention Model-----137
Ann Pytkowicz Streissguth and Carol T. Giunta

Subject Recruitment and Retention Issues in Longitudinal Research Involving Substance-Abusing Families: A Clinical Services Context-----155
Judy Howard

Perinatal Substance Abuse and AIDS: Subject Selection, Recruitment, and Retention-----166
Kenneth C. Rich

Discussion: Subject Selection, Recruitment, and Retention in Longitudinal Studies Involving Perinatal Substance Abuse and Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Infection-----183
Emmalee S. Bandstra

Session: Measurement Issues

Measures of Pregnant, Drug-Abusing Women for Treatment Research-----194
Anne M. Seiden

Assessing Acute and Long-Term Physical Effects of In Utero Drug Exposure on the Perinate, Infant, and Child-----212
Emmalee S. Bandstra

Methodological Issues in the Assessment of the Mother-Child Interactions of Substance-Abusing Women and Their Children-----228
Dan R. Griffith and Catherin Freier

Discussion: Measurement Issues in the Study of Effects of Substance Abuse in Pregnancy-----248
Claire D. Coles

Session: Research Envlronment Issues

Studies of Prenatal Drug Exposure and Environmental Research Issues: The Benefits of Integrating Research Within a Treatment Program-----259
Karol A. Kaltenbach and Loretta P. Finnegan

How the Environment Affects Research on Prenatal Drug Exposure: The Laboratory and the Community-----271
Claire D. Coles

Discussion: Research Environment and Use of Multicenter Studies in Perinatal Substance Abuse Research-----293
Kenneth C. Rich

Session: Intervention Issues

Program and Staff Characteristics in Successful Treatment-----305
Elizabeth R. Brown

Process Measures in Interventions for Drug-Abusing Women: From Coping to Competence-----314
Elaine A. Blechman, Thomas A. Wills, and Vera Adler

Discussion: Dilemmas in Research in Perinatal Addiction-Intervention Issues-----344
Loretta P. Finnegan

Session: Legal Issues In Research With Pregnant Women and Children

Alcohol- and Drug-Dependent Pregnant Women: Laws and Public Policies That Promote and Inhibit Research and the Delivery of Services-----349
Ellen Marie Weber

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Research on the Effects of Prenatal Drug Exposure-----366
Douglas J. Besharov

Discussion: Effect of Legal Stipulations on the Conduct of Treatment and Prevention Research-----385
Judy Howard

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----394

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