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Cardiovascular Toxicity of Cocaine: Underlying Mechanisms

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 108 [Printed in 1991]

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Table of Contents


Pushpa V. Thadani

Maternal-Fetal Cardiovascular System: A Target of Cocaine-----7
James R. Woods, Jr., and Mark A. Plessinger

Pharmacokinetics and Time-Action Profile of Cocaine in Dogs-----28
R. Douglas Wilkerson, Peter N. Temesy-Armos, and Theodore D. Fraker, Jr.

Acute Tolerance to the Chronotropic Effect of Cocaine in Humans-----41
John J. Ambre, Timothy J. Connelly, Tsuen-lh Ruo, and Thomas K. Henthorn

Mechanisms of Cardiac and Vascular Responses to Cocaine-----55
Mark M. Knuepfer, Carrie A. Branch, and Vernon W. Fischer

Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine in Squirrel Monkeys-----74
Srihari R. Tella, Charles W. Schindler, and Steven R. Goldberg

Role of the Sympathetic Nervous System in the Cardiovascular Effects of Cocaine-----92
Richard A. Gillis, Lisa C. Bachenheimer, Kenneth L. Dretchen, Hashim K. Erzouki, Yvonne M. Hernandez, Rakesh K. Jain, Muskesh K. Jain, Fred E. Kuhn, Jack Quest, and Gary L. Schaer

Cocaine-Induced Myocardial Depression-----110
Theodore D. Fraker, Jr., Peter N. Temesy-Armos, and R. Douglas Wilkerson

Prevalence of Myocardial lschemia in Cocaine Addicts-----116
Koonlawee Nademanee

Cocaine-Induced Myocardial Infarction: Clinical Observations and Pathogenetic Considerations-----121
Jeffrey M. lsner and Saurabh K. Chokshi

Cardiac Electrophysiological Effects of Cocaine in Animal Models-----131
Peter N. Temesy-Armos, Theodore D. Fraker, Jr., and R. Douglas Wilkerson

Effects of Cocaine on Intracellular Calcium Handling in Cardiac and Vascular Smooth Muscle-----139
Cynthia L. Perreault, Kathleen G. Morgan, and James P. Morgan

Cocaine-Induced Changes in the Biochemistry and Morphology of Rabbit Aorta-----154
Ronald O. Langner and Collette L. Bement

Effects of Cocaine on the Physiology of Exercise-----167
Robert K. Conlee, David W. Barnett, K. Patrick Kelly, and Dong Ho Han

Effect of Acute Cocaine Administration on Cardiac and Respiratory Patterning in the Freely Moving Cat-----181
Ronald M. Harper, Rebecca K. Harper, Robert R. Terreberry, Christopher A. Richard, and Robert B. Trelease

Direct and Indirect Morphological Markers of Cocaine Toxicity in the Human Heart-----202
Margaret E. Billinghem

Cocaine-Associated Cardiovascular Disease: Clinical and Pathological Aspects-----220
Renu Virmani

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----230

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