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Arizona office of USDA-NASS

Current Survey Activites

October Surveys: The Quarterly Agricultural Labor Survey begins mid-month; this survey collects data about hired worker numbers, hours worked and wages paid.

November Surveys: Monthly Agricultural Yield Surveys begin in May and continue through November. These yield surveys provide first indications of production for small grains, cotton and hay. Data collection begins near the 28th of each month and continues into the first week of the following month.

December Surveys: Beginning in late November we will begin asking for information for the December Quarterly Agricultural Survey for final end-of-year acreage and production for corn, cotton, and hay. The Quarterly Hog Report will also begin December 1st as well as Off-Farm Grain Stocks Survey.

Cash Rents Survey - This new survey fulfills the Cash Rental Rates data requirement as documented in the new Farm Bill.

Other surveys planned for this quarter will be gathering information on Winter Vegetables, Chiles, Pecans, Grapes, and Apples.



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