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Proposed HHSAR Coverage of Competition Advocate Reporting Requirement

306.502 Duties and responsibilities.

(a)    Each OPDIV competition advocate shall prepare an annual Competition Advocate Report (CAR), covering the prior fiscal year, in accordance with the requirements of FAR 6.502(b)(2) and 306.502(b), and provide it to the HHS competition advocate not later than November 16 of each year or the next business day, if the due date falls on a non-business day. NIH’s two competition advocates shall prepare and sign a joint report covering their respective areas of responsibility.

(b) HHS requires that each CAR be prepared in a standard format, available at: (specify website address – to be determined). As long as the standard headings are included and required information is addressed, the OPDIV may include additional information in accordance with OPDIV procedures.  

(1)     The CAR shall be based on information and data for all acquisitions that exceed the micro-purchase threshold for the applicable fiscal year, unless otherwise noted in the standard format.

(2)     Each OPDIV competition advocate shall obtain the information and data needed for preparation of the CAR from the responsible Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA) and/or the Chief of the Contracting Office (CCO), as appropriate, who shall assist the competition advocate in preparing the CAR.

(3)     Prior to forwarding the CAR to the HHS competition advocate, each OPDIV competition advocate shall provide the CAR to the responsible HCA, who shall review and approve it for accuracy and completeness.

(c)  The HHS competition advocate shall consolidate all OPDIV CARs and provide an HHS-wide CAR that addresses all requirements of FAR 6.502(b) to the HHS senior procurement executive and chief acquisition officer by December 20 of each year or the next business day, if the due date falls on a non-business day.