The Great Drying of Africa

Martin P. Hoerling and Jon K. Eischeid
NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Division

Science Writer: Barb DeLuisi
NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Division
Saharan Dune

Concluding Remarks

Understanding the attributable causes of monsoonal changes in Africa is an important step toward advancing a predictive understanding of the monsoons. "Our challenge is to better project 21st century rainfall in Africa, which includes improving our guidance on the uncertainty sources for such projections, together with the physical causes for any expected regional change," says Hoerling.

Therefore, in Hoerling, Hurrell, and Eischeid's on-going analysis of past observations and model projections into the future, they are carefully examining the sensitivity of the Earth's terrestrial climate to likely further changes in ocean surface temperatures.

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