
Printed on Sunday September 21st, 2008 11:06AM EDT    

Tax Calendars for 2004

What does this publication contain?

This publication contains the following:

1 A section on how to use the tax calendars.
2 Three tax calendars

     Employers and
3 A table showing the semi-weekly deposit due dates for 2004.

What does the publication not include?

The calendars do not cover the employment or excise tax deposit reules. You can find the deposit rules for employment taxes in Publication 15, Circular E, Employer's Tax Guide. The deposit rules for excise taxes are in Publication 510, Excise Taxes for 2004 and in the instruction for Form 720, Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return. In addition, the calendars do not cover filing forms and other requirements for the following:

1 Estate taxes.
2 Gift taxes.
3 Exempt organizations.
4 Certain types of corporations.
5 Foreign partnerships.

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