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Record Search Query: Parameters>CRYOSPHERE>SNOW/ICE
Enhanced resolution Ku-band sigma-0 images of the earth 1978
Entry ID: Seasat_scatt_sigma0_images

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This Seasat scatterometer (SASS) data set consists of enhanced
resolution radar backscatter (sigma0) images of the Earth's surface.
Images are generated on polar stereographic and Lambert equal area
grids at a pixel resolution of 4.45 km. The images cover a 97 day
time period during 1978.

Images are made from ... View entire text

Geographic Coverage
Spatial coordinates   
N: 90.0   S: -90.0   E: 180.0   W: -180.0

Related URL
Description: Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder data FTP site.

Data Set Citation
Dataset Creator: David G. Long
Dataset Title: Enhanced resolution Ku-band sigma-0 images of the earth 1978
Dataset Publisher: BYU Center for Remote Sensing
Online Resource:

Data Center
Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder Program, Center for Remote Sensing, Brigham Young University Supplemental Info
Data Center URL:
Dataset ID: Seasat_scatt_sigma0_images

Data Center Personnel
Phone: 801-422-4383
Fax: 801-422-0201
Email: long at
Contact Address:
BYU Center for Remote Sensing
Brigham Young University
459 Clyde Building
City: Provo
Province or State: UT
Postal Code: 84602
Country: USA

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