***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** NOTICE ***************************************************************************** November 9, 2007 Due to technical problems the GDAS1 archive data was restored from backup. The following files were unrecoverable: gdas1.may05.w1 gdas1.may05.w2 gdas1.nov05.w3 gdas1.nov05.w4 ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDAS1 ARCHIVE missing.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- missing 6-h fcst 9-h fcst month/year date time ----------------------- ---------- ---------- (UTC) all data fcst fields* all fields all fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | DEC04 -- none -- | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDAS1 ARCHIVE missing.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- missing 6-h fcst 9-h fcst month/year date time ----------------------- ---------- ---------- (UTC) all fields fcst fields* all fields all fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | JAN05 -- none -- | | | | FEB05 -- none -- | | | | MAR05 -- none -- | | | | APR05 4 00 | | x 4 03 | | x 5 00 | | x 5 03 | | x 6 00 | | x 6 03 | | x 7 00 | | x 7 03 | | x 7 18 | | x 7 21 | | x 8 00 | | x 8 03 | | x 9 00 | | x 9 03 | | x 10 00 | | x 10 03 | | x 11 00 | | x 11 03 | | x 12 00 | | x 12 03 | | x 13 00 | | x 13 03 | | x 14 00 | | x 14 03 | | x 14 18 | | x 14 21 | | x 15 00 | | x 15 03 | | x 16 00 | | x 16 03 | | x 17 00 | | x 17 03 | | x | | MAY05 Note: gdas1.may05.w1 all missing; no file Note: gdas1.may05.w2 all missing; no file otherwise -- none missing Note: 12 UTC May 31 SOLM changed from 10-200 cm to 10-40 cm | | JUN05 -- none -- | | | | JUL05 -- none -- | | | | AUG05 -- none -- | | | | SEP05 -- none -- | | | | OCT05 -- none -- | | | | NOV05 Note: gdas1.nov05.w3 all missing; no file Note: gdas1.nov05.w4 all missing; no file otherwise -- none missing | | DEC05 -- none -- | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDAS1 ARCHIVE missing.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- missing 6-h fcst 9-h fcst month/year date time ----------------------- ---------- ---------- (UTC) all fields fcst fields* all fields all fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | JAN06 -- none -- | | | | FEB06 -- none -- | | | | MAR06 -- none -- | | | | APR06 -- none -- | | | | MAY06 -- none -- | | | | JUN06 -- none -- | | | | JUL06 -- none -- | | | | AUG06 -- none -- | | | | SEP06 -- none -- | | | | OCT06 -- none -- | | | | NOV06 -- none -- | | | | DEC06 -- none -- | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDAS1 ARCHIVE missing.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- missing 6-h fcst 9-h fcst month/year date time ----------------------- ---------- ---------- (UTC) all fields fcst fields* all fields all fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | JAN07 -- none -- | | | | FEB07 -- none -- | | | | MAR07 -- none -- | | | | APR07 -- none -- | | | | MAY07 -- none -- | | | | JUN07 -- none -- | | | | JUL07 -- none -- | | | | AUG07 -- none -- | | | | SEP07 -- none -- | | | | OCT07 -- none -- | | | | NOV07 -- none -- | | | | DEC07 -- none -- | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDAS1 ARCHIVE missing.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------- missing 6-h fcst 9-h fcst month/year date time ----------------------- ---------- ---------- (UTC) all fields fcst fields* all fields all fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | JAN08 -- none -- | | | | FEB08 -- none -- | | | | MAR08 -- none -- | | | | APR08 -- none -- | | | | MAY08 -- none -- | | | | JUN08 -- none -- | | | | JUL08 -- none -- | | | | AUG08 -- none -- | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *fcst fields: TPP6 - total precipitation UMOF - momentum flux, u-component VMOF - momentum flux, v-component SHTF - sensible heat net flux DSWF - downward short wave rad. flux TCLD - total cloud cover, atmosphere column CPP6 - convective precipitation CSNO - categorical snow CICE - categorical ice pellets CFZR - categorical freezing rain CRAI - categorical rain LHTF - latent heat net flux LCLD - total cloud cover, low cloud layer MCLD - total cloud cover, mid cloud layer HCLD - total cloud cover, high cloud layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ last updated: 09-02-2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------