Changes to the EDAS Archive 01-01-97 -- Archive Started 03-01-99 -- SOLW changed from 0-10cm Soil Moisture Content (fraction) to 0-200cm Soil Moisture Content (kg/m2) -- UMOF changed from U-flux of momentum to USTR - Friction Velocity (m/s) -- VMOF changed from V-flux of momentum to VSBY - Visibility (km) -- The Eta 40 km forecast is written to the EDAS archive first and then filled in with EDAS data if available, thereby reducing the number of missing records. 07-26-00 -- Confirmed by NCEP that the net latent and sensible heat fluxes are of opposite sign from convention, i.e. upward is negative. The has been the case for the entire EDAS archive period and will continue to be the case in the future. Note that this is inconsistent with the FNL archive from NCEP. The Eta forecast dataset is also affected. 01-01-2004 -- Changed the EDAS from 80km to 40km and made the fields and levels the same as the ETA40 forecast. 04-30-2004 -- 80 km EDAS terminated and replaced by 40 km EDAS.