For questions about the King County  Streams Monitoring Program, please contact Jonathan Frodge, Program Manager

For questions about the Streams Web site, please contact Daniel Smith
Image of a stonefly  Photo of a stream restoration project  Photo of a salmon Photo of Cedar River

Streams Monitoring Home

The Stream and River Monitoring Program is part of the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Water and Land Resources Division. We are committed to monitoring the water quality of the County's lakes and streams to ensure their continued health, as well as the health of the public who utilize the many freshwater resources.

At this Web site you can:

Browse a map or a list to find water quality sampling locations and view and download water quality and metals data.

View a map of sediment quality data

Learn about long-term water quality trends

View a map of Water Quality Index scores

Learn about the Streams Monitoring Program history

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Updated: 7/9/2008