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USAID Project Renews Respect For Water

In Vorukh, located in Uzbekistan’s Ferghana Valley, water is a precious commodity and a highly-charged political issue - especially in border communities. Conflicts arise regularly between communities which must share water, especially during the growing seasons. The systems that supply the water are often so dilapidated that the problem is made worse.


USAID conducted an outreach campaign on water conservation for Vorukh’s schoolchildren, their teachers, and their community leaders.

Discussions in class encouraged the children to express their own ideas about water conservation as budding journalists, artists, actors, etc. Discussions were followed by games, quizzes, and contests.

Children shared their ideas for public service announcements that could be used for a national campaign to encourage everyone in the country to save water. Contest winners delivered a presentation at the closing press conference.

Photo: A student presents her group's representation of Vorukh's drinking water supply.
Photo: PA Consulting/Jessica West

A student presents her group's representation of Vorukh's drinking water supply.

“I liked the campaign ideas. It gives you actual information and tips on how to save water and use it wisely. It made me excited to go home and start using water rationally and also teach my family and friends how to do it.” - Farid Salimbayev, a 15-year old student in Vorukh


In Vorukh, 140 children between the ages of seven and fifteen, along with their teachers and community leaders, are enthusiastically involved in Uzbekistan’s battle for water efficiency. This campaign is also active in seven other communities where the issue of water is especially volatile: Tashkent, Fergana, Samarkand, Navoi, Bukhara, Urgench, and Nukus.

The broader campaign includes country-wide public service announcements on TV and radio. It also includes training manuals for schoolteachers with information and activities on the economic and ecological significance of water, to help continue water educational activities throughout the school year.

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Fri, 31 Mar 2006 17:09:00 -0500