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Business Center Blazes a Green Trail

Hyderabad's Green Business Center, inaugurated in 2004, is the first building outside the United States to be given the platinum award for Leadership in Environment and Energy Design.
Photo: USAID/Virginia Foley

Hyderabad's Green Business Center, inaugurated in 2004, is the first building outside the United States to be given the platinum award for Leadership in Environment and Energy Design.

In 2004, India's Green Business Center achieved a milestone for productive, "green" business practices when the U.S. Green Business Council gave it the platinum award for Leadership in Environment and Energy Design. The first structure outside the United States to receive this honor, the center demonstrates the potential of combining Indian resources with American experience to create a world-class product.

The Andhra Pradesh government donated more than 1,000 acres of land for the building and industrial park, and the Godrej Corporation donated funds to construct the state-of-the-art, 2,000-square-meter building. Workers used eco-friendly building materials, more than three-quarters of which are recycled. Ninety percent of the building's spaces have access to daylight, and rooftop solar cells provide 16 percent of the center's energy needs. A permanent technology center showcases greener building options and hosts workshops and seminars on eco-friendly technologies.

The word has spread. Prominent companies like the North Delhi Power Company and Reddy Laboratories are now interested in the concept of environmentally friendly design, and 200 more Indian buildings are expected to meet eco-friendly standards by 2007.

So, what is it like to work in the world's most natural building?

"Good light," says one employee.

"A view from every window."

"I can work in peace."

"I'm in touch with nature. I can come up with new ideas."

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Fri, 31 Mar 2006 16:59:03 -0500