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Afghanistan: Kabul-Kandahar Highway

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Rebuilding The Roads of Afghanistan

Photo of Noor Rahman, Taxi Driver
Photo: USAID/Jennifer Lindsey
"Thank you to everybody who helped to build our road. It is very good. What used to take one hour to drive, now takes only 10 minutes. Before, it was so bumpy and dusty. And we used to travel at 30 km/hour, at most. Now we can go up to 110 km. /hour. This is very good for my business.”

Noor Rahman, Taxi Driver
Wardak Province

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has completed Phase I paving completion of the 389-kilometer (243 miles) Kabul to Kandahar highway - this portion of the so-called Ring Road links Afghanistan’s two largest cities, Kandahar and Herat to Kabul. The road suffered considerable deterioration and destruction during nearly two-and-a-half decades of civil war and from lack of infrastructure investment. The road was originally constructed in the 1950’s during the Eisenhower Administration.

In total, more than 1,000 kilometers of rural roads have been rehabilitated or constructed in Afghanistan through USAID support. Rehabilitation of the road is expected to lead to increased access to clinics, hospitals, schools and markets, and provide farmers with greater opportunities to move their products to market. To date, the project has employed over 2,000 Afghan construction personnel.

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Fri, 31 Mar 2006 16:51:30 -0500