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Hazard Analysis and Risk Modeling

Hazard Analysis and Risk Modeling - Ecotoxicology - EC
Dr. James P. Meador
Team Leader

Team Staff Directory

Research Publications
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     The main goal of the HARM team is to quantitatively describe the relationships of organismal and population responses to alterations in habitat quality resulting from anthropogenic disturbances. A major function of the team is to generate toxicity data to support the development of water, tissue, and sediment quality guidelines that can be used to protect fish and invertebrate populations from adverse effects. We conduct research that is designed to help identify thresholds for pollutant effects that may indicate or lead to population level impacts and we act as consultants to various agencies on issues relating to contaminant impacts.

The main functions of the HARM team are:

  • Hazard Assessment - Lab and field studies to characterize toxicant effects for water, tissue, and sediment quality guidelines.

  • Method Development - Invertebrate and fish bioassays.
  • Natural Resource Damage Assessment - Conduct experiments and provide expertise for NRDA cases.

  • Risk Modeling - Determination of threshold concentrations; dose response.

  • Support for Regional Office/ NOAA labs - Review ESA documents (e.g., Biological opinions), provide technical information, and conduct peer review.

  • Interagency Hazard Assessments - Participate in assessments of contamination.

  • Consulting - Statistical analysis; database issues; environmental chemistry; bioassays.
  • Provide Expertise - to NOAA, EPA, and local agencies (e.g., WDOE, ODEQ) on pollution issues.

  • Field Support - Assist in field studies (e.g., EMAP, PSAMP, Watershed group).

last modified 02/16/2007

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