New Orleans Public Schools

Recovery School District (RSD) and Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB)

FEMA Public Assistance grant funding is making it possible for the RSD and OPSB to repair and rebuild schools in New Orleans. This website and the maps below provide detailed information about the funding that FEMA has provided to the State of Louisiana for schools within the RSD and OPSB. The future of closed schools will be guided by the Schools Facilities Master Plan for Orleans Parish currently under development. For more information on the Master Plan or to get involved, call the RSD at 877-343-4773 or vist the Master Plan web site. (Read More)
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Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency 2007.
Data current as of April, 2008.

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Grant funds for each school are based on storm-related damages to that school. RSD has stated that not every school will be rebuilt.

The RSD is a special state school district administered by the Louisiana Department of Education. Created by legislation passed in 2003, the RSD is dedicated to turning underperforming schools into successful schools. Five schools in New Orleans were transferred to the RSD before Hurricane Katrina. As a result of legislation passed in November 2005, another 107 schools in New Orleans were transferred to the Recovery School District. Currently 112 schools in New Orleans fall under the RSD organization.

On these maps, you can see which schools are currently open, as well as how much money FEMA has provided to the State, and how much money RSD has drawn down from the State to make repairs. Once the RSD completes its long term master facilities plan, the maps will be updated to reflect which schools will be repaired and re-opened, and which schools will not be repaired or re-opened. RSD can use the funds that FEMA provided for schools that will not re-open to help pay for repairs or rebuilding at other schools. As the RSD and the community make those long term rebuilding decisions, the maps will be updated with more details.

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