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Benefits of Sponsorship include:
star graphic pointer Prominent display of company corporate logo on the IT Accessibility 2001 Conference Web site (at the top of the home page and at the bottom of all other pages) denoting your company as a sponsor, and linking your logo to your company's web site

star graphic pointer Clear identification of your company as a sponsor in the conference materials and signs in and around the NIST Auditorium

star graphic pointer A specific number of reserved registration slots at the conference for your company's staff attendance (number based on the level of sponsorship)

star graphic pointer Sponsors may place brochures on a designated table (but no direct solicitation or advertising is allowed on the NIST campus).

NIST is an agency of the
U.S. Department of Commerce's
Technology Administration

Site created on February 27, 2001
Last updated: Thursday, April 19, 2001
Contact with corrections, comments or feedback.