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Conference Speakers

star graphic pointer David Baquis - U.S. Access Board
star graphic pointer Marney Beard - Sun Microsystems
star graphic pointer Madelyn Bryant McIntyre - Microsoft
star graphic pointer Jennifer Burrowes - AMS
star graphic pointer Jim Fruchterman - President & CEO, The Benetech Initiative
star graphic pointer Cathy Gaddy - Human Factors International
star graphic pointer John Godfrey - IT Industry Council (ITIC)
star graphic pointer Larry Goldberg - Director, Natl. Center for Accessible Media (NCAM)
star graphic pointer Diane Golden - Chair, Association of Technology Act Projects
star graphic pointer John Goldthwaite, GA Tech. Center for Rehabilitation Technology
star graphic pointer George Kerscher - DAISY Consortium
star graphic pointer Bill LaPlant (Census Bureau) - NCITS V2 Standards Committee
star graphic pointer Rex Lint - IT Association of America (ITAA)
star graphic pointer Mary Lou Mobley - Department of Justice
star graphic pointer Connie Myers, Accessibility Manager, Oracle Corporation
star graphic pointer Karen Peltz-Strauss - FCC
star graphic pointer Carol Cohen/Bill Peterson - NIDRR
star graphic pointer Sheela Sethuraman - Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
star graphic pointer Ruth Shapiro - DynCorp eBusiness
star graphic pointer Paul Snayd - IBM
star graphic pointer Jim Tobias - Inclusive Technologies
star graphic pointer Joe Tozzi - Department of Education
star graphic pointer Gregg Vanderheiden - Director, TRACE R&D Center
star graphic pointer Kate Walser - AMS
star graphic pointer Terry Weaver -GSA
star graphic pointer Tom Wlodkowski - Project Manager, WGBH Educational Foundation

FOR MORE INFORMATION about the conference please contact:

Leslie Collica (301) 975-8516

NIST is an agency of the
U.S. Department of Commerce's
Technology Administration

Site created on February 23, 2001
Last updated: Thursday, April 5, 2001
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