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Meeting Coordinator:
Nereida Santiago
Phone: 631-344-5850
Fax: 631-344-2806

National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Berkner Hall B and C

CSEWG: November 8 - 10, 2005 (Tuesday - Thursday)
USNDP: November 9 - 11, 2005 (Wednesday - Friday)

Agenda including CSEWG & USNDP Talks

CSEWG Minutes on ENDF/B-VII Validation

CSEWG&USNDP'2005 Photos

  • Registration: Each participant must register, foreign nationals must register at least 4 weeks before the meeting.
  • Note: Non-members of CSEWG and USNDP should seek explicit approval of the chair if they want to attend.
  • Accommodation: Kindly do your own arrangements using links from the present webpage. For on-site housing, a block of efficiency apartments, dorm rooms and guest house rooms have been set aside for the meetings. Please use the #147225 confirmation number when making your reservation.
  • Transportation: Several Airport Limo Services are available. We usually use Chrisdee with long experience servicing BNL. When doing your booking, make sure that the driver can enter BNL premises, meaning, among others, that he/she is US citizen.
  • Presentations: Presentations in ppt or pdf should be submitted 1 week before the meeting so that we can produce a hand-out booklet as in the last year. Kindly send them to pritychenko@bnl.gov, copy to oblozinsky@bnl.gov.


Pavel Oblozinsky, NNDC
Status: Final

Nov 7, 2005, Monday, Berkner C

  • 08:30-18:00 NDAG Criticality Safety Meeting (Nuclear Data Advisory Group, R. McKnight chair), the meeting is by invitation only.
Nov 8, 2005, Tuesday, Berkner B, Berkner C

  • 08:45-10:45 Formats and Processing (Greene chair, parallel session)

  • 10:45-11:00 Coffee Break

  • 12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

    • CSEWG Executive Committee Working Lunch, Berkner A
      • ENDF/B-VII Release
      • ENDF/B-VII Paper
      • WPEC Matters
      • Next Meeting


Nov 9, 2005, Wednesday
, Berkner B, Berkner C

  • 10:15-10:30 Coffee Break

  • 10:30-12:30 USNDP Structure WG, continues (Baglin chair)
    • 10:30-11:00 Update on ENSDF Editor software (A. Sonzogni), 30'
    • 11:00-12:30 Formats/Procedures /Jπ rules, etc.
      • Revision of notation for B(σL) entries in ENSDF.
      • Jπ values in reaction-γ data sets.
      • Update on rotational band nomenclature and new strongly-coupled band Jπ rule (F. Kondev), 5'.
      • Quality/legibility of level scheme and band drawings in Nuclear Data Sheets and ENSDF retrievals.
      • Interactions between ENSDF evaluators, reviewers and editor - are new procedures working?
      • Possible need for program to extract MR from ce data.

  • 12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

  • 15:30-15:45 Coffee Break


Nov 10, 2005, Thursday
, Berkner B, Berkner C

  • 08:30-10:30 ENDF/B-VII Evaluation & Validation, continues (McKnight chair)

          Concluding Discussion
    • What to do with covariances
      from ENDF/B-VI.8?
    • ENDF/B-VII Release
    • ENDF/B-VII Paper
    • Other topics
    • Next meeting
    • Minutes

  • 08:30-10:45 USNDP Structure WG (Baglin chair)
    • 8:30-8:45 New web interface for evaluated
      B(E2) data
      (B. Pritychenko), 10'.
    • 8:45-9:20 Nuclear Data Sheets
      • Impact factors (A. Sonzogni; 20').
      • Content
      • Accessibility (as libraries cut subscriptions).
    • 9:20-10:00 Possible development of an electronic Table of Isotopes type of product (J. Tuli).
    • 10:00-10:30 Next year's Working Group meeting schedule. Other items?

  • 10:30-10:45 Coffee Break

  • 12:45-14:00 Lunch Break

    • USNDP Coordinating Committee Working Lunch, Berkner A
      • Report FY05
      • Workplan FY07
      • Budget Briefing FY08
      • Next Meeting


Nov 11, 2005, Friday
, Berkner B

  • 11:30-12:00 Next Meeting, Minutes, AOB

  • Lunchtime: USNDP adjourns

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Web: Boris Pritychenko, NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Last Modified: December 7, 2005