National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Berkner Hall B and C


Four nuclear data meetings will be held at BNL in the week of November 3-7,2008, Cross Section Evaluation Working Group (Nov 4-6), US Nuclear Data Program (Nov 5-7) and two special meetings (NDAG, Nov 3; GNEP, Nov 6-7).

  • Attendance: Non-members of CSEWG and USNDP should seek explicit approval of the CSEWG-USNDP chair if they want to attend. Attendance of special meetings (NDAG, GNEP) is per invitation only.
  • Registration: All participants must register. Non-US citizens are subject to guest approval process which may take 4-6 weeks
  • Presentations: We encourage early submittal of presentations to Those received by Monday, Nov 3, will be made available online via this Web page.
Tentative Agenda
(CSEWG - green, USNDP - blue)

Pavel Oblozinsky, NNDC
September 8, 2008

Special Meetings
Per invitation only, no details of Agenda will be provided on this Web page.
  1. NDAG Criticality Safety (chair McKnight)
    Nov 3, 2008 (Mon) 08:30 - 17:30 Berkner C
  2. GNEP Physics Working Group (chair T. Hill, LANL)
    Nov 6, 2008 (Thu) 14:00 - 17:30 Berkner C
    Nov 7, 2008 (Fri) 08:30 - 12:30 Berkner C

Nov 4, 2008, Tuesday, Berkner B
08:30 - 12:30 Berkner B
  • Opening (Oblozinsky)
  • Evaluation Committee (chair Chadwick), 3h
14:00-17:30 Berkner B
  • Validation Committee (chair McKnight), 3h

Nov 5, 2008, Wednesday, Berkner B, Berkner C
08:30- 12:30 Berkner B
  • Measurements Committee (chair Danon), 2h
  • Formats & Processing Committee (chair Dunn), 2h
14:10-17:30 Berkner B
  • Covariance Committee (chair D. Smith), 3h
14:00-17:30 Berkner C
  • Opening (Oblozinsky)
  • Nuclear Structure WG (chair Baglin)
14:10-17:30 Berkner B
  • Nuclear Reaction WG (chair Kawano), with CSEWG

Nov 6, 2008, Thursday, Berkner B, Berkner C
08:30-12:30 Berkner B
  • Covariance Committee (chair D. Smith), 1h
  • Concluding Session (chair Oblozinsky)
08:30-12:30 Berkner C
  • Nuclear Structure WG (chair Baglin)
14:00-17:30 Berkner B
  • User Forum (chair Sonzogni)

Nov 7, 2008, Friday, Berkner B
08:30-12:30 Berkner B
  • Reporting (chair Herman)
    • Laboratory Reports (all)
    • Task Force Reports (TF chairs)
  • Concluding Session (chair Oblozinsky)

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Web: Boris Pritychenko, NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Last Modified: September 8, 2008