NEWS:Sep 2, 2008 - Registration details for NEMEA-5 Workshop on Neutron Measurements, Evaluations and Applications in Ljubljana

nemea workshops

5th Workshop on Neutron Measurements, Evaluations and Applications
Nuclear data for sustainable nuclear energy

October 27-29, 2008
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Conference venue

Mhotel Ljubljana
Derceva 4
1000 Ljubljana
Reservation of rooms (added September 2, 2008)

  To reserve a room at Mhotel, please send a message clearly stating date of arrival and date of departure and that you are attending the NEMEA-5 workshop.

  The email should be addressed to Mrs. Anja Novak, e-mail address:

  M-hotel offers the following rates for workshop participants:

80,29 EUR
10,00 EUR
10,00 EUR
Workshop dinner:
50,00 EUR
10,00 EUR
Scope of the Workshop

  The workshop aims at providing a comprehensive overview of nuclear data production methods and their relation to the data needs for applications with potential economic impact. Contributions should highlight state-of-the-art and new developments of relevance for meeting the requirements on nuclear data associated with advanced reactor systems. Data users are invited to present comprehensive views on data needs.

  NEMEA-5 contributes to the EU funded Co-ordination Action on Nuclear Data for Industry Development in Europe (CANDIDE), which aims at focussing the European nuclear data community on the needs in the fields of high level waste, safety and sustainability of nuclear fission energy.

  In order to enhance the workshops' potential for high-quality networking, experts worldwide are invited to attend and participation of post doctoral fellows and PhD students who wish to present their work is encouraged.

Themes of the Workshop
  • Advanced reactor concepts
    - Generation IV, GNEP, ... -
  • Accelerator driven systems
  • Advanced fuel cycles
  • Measurements
  • Evaluations
  • Benchmarking, testing and adjustments
Programme Advisory Committee
  • H. Ait Abderrahim - SCK-CEN, Belgium
  • G. Barreau - CNRS/IN2P3, France
  • E. Bauge - CEA, France
  • J. Blomgren - University of Uppsala, Sweden
  • F. Gunsing - CEA, France
  • H. Harada - JAEA, Japan
  • R.C. Haight - LANL, USA
  • R. Jacqmin - CEA, France
  • A. Koning - NRG, The Netherlands
  • R.W. Mills - Nexia Solutions, United Kingdom
  • A. Nichols - IAEA
  • M. Salvatores - CEA, France
Important Dates (updated September 2, 2008)
September 15, 2008
Deadline for abstracts
September 25, 2008
Deadline for registration
September 29, 2008
Notification for authors
October 27-29, 2008
Registration (updated September 2, 2008)
Participants should register before September 25, 2008 at JRC website indicating whether they will take lunch and dinner at Mhotel. If you do not have a personal account yet, you will need to create one before you can log on. After logon select Geel, October 2008 and the title "NEMEA-5 Workshop". You have to accept the Events Registration Statement and then proceed with the registration.
There is no registration fee at the workshop.
  • 45 minutes for invited contributions, including discussion
  • 25 minutes for regular contributions, including discussion
  • one poster session
Abstracts and Full Contribution

  Abstracts are due 15 September 2008 and the full paper is due on 27 October 2008 at the start of the workshop. The proceedings will be published in the EUR Technical and Scientific Research series. Printed copies for the participants and the electronic version for general distribution will be available. Instructions for the format of the abstract and the full paper can be found on the workshop website. Both should be submitted in electronic format following the guidelines given.

Download instructions for authors here:
Abstract                Full Contribution                Example of Full Contribution
Abstracts should be submitted to and should follow the first part of the guidelines for full contributions. Full papers are due on 27 October 2008. They may be given to the organiser in electronic format (CDROM, USB drive) or sent to

  Participants will be informed of acceptance of their presentation on 29 September 2008.

Arjan Plompen
European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements
Carmen Cabanillas Platero
European Commission
Joint Research Centre
Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements
Retieseweg 111, B-2440 Geel, Belgium
+32 (0)14 571 411
+32 (0)14 571 862
NEMEA-5 poster                NEMEA-5 leaflet

4th NEMEA Workshop on Neutron Measurements, Evaluations and Applications in Prague