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July 2008

  Accelerating Infrastructure Innovations FHWA-HRT-08-015

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FHWA to Award Grants to Spur Highway Technology Innovation

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will award $1 million to spur innovation through the second round of grants under its Highways for LIFE (HfL) Technology Partnerships Program. The program is designed to help companies refine and further develop promising innovations that reduce congestion from construction and improve highway safety and quality. Five grants were awarded earlier this year in the first round of the program (see January/February 2008 Focus).

Innovations should be proven concepts that have been developed to a late-stage prototype that requires further development, testing, and evaluation in a real-world setting.

Innovations should be proven concepts that have been developed to a late-stage prototype that requires further development, testing, and evaluation in a real-world setting before it can become commercially available. The innovation must make a significant contribution to achieving at least one of the following HfL goals:

  • Improving project and/or work zone safety (including worker or user safety).
  • Reducing construction congestion.
  • Accelerating construction.
  • Improving quality.

Figure 2. Photo. A close-up of the Automated Roadway Pavement Marker System as it applies pavement markers to the roadway.

Figure 3. Photo. The Automated Roadway Pavement Marker System travels down a roadway, installing raised reflective pavement markers. The device is mounted on a truck. A car can be seen in the lane next to the truck.

Technologies awarded grants in the first round of the Highways for LIFE Technology Partnerships Program included the Automated Roadway Pavement Marker System.

Applicable innovation areas include technologies, materials, tools, equipment, procedures, specifications, methodologies, processes, or practices used in the financing, design, or construction of highways and bridges.

The solicitation is open to both U.S. and international nonprofit and for-profit organizations, except for State and local governments and institutions of higher education. State and local agencies, local municipalities, and academic institutions cannot apply to be the prime grantee but the HfL program encourages them to participate as partners with applicant organizations.

FHWA anticipates publishing the grant solicitation in late July 2008, with a closing date for applications at the end of August. Grant awards will range from $200,000 to $500,000 for up to 2 years of work. The grant solicitation will be posted on

For more information on the Technology Partnerships Program and previous awardees, visit Site visitors can sign up to receive an email notification when the program solicitation is posted on Information on the program is also available from Elizabeth Pollock at FHWA, 202-366-0131 (email: 




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