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Natural Resource Challenge

Reports to Congress

By statute, the National Park Service has been required to report annually to Congress on Natural Resource Challenge expenditures. This report is compiled from material submitted by the Washington program offices, parks, networks, and other field organizations regarding Challenge-related programs and activities.  The Report is assembled at the conclusion of the fiscal year, and goes through a rigorous review and approval process, hence does not emerge as a finalized document until the subsequent year. The first Report covers activities that occurred in 2000, when the Natural Resource Challenge received its initial funding, with subsequent Reports reflecting on additional advancements that have occurred since.

Fiscal Year 2006 Report to Congress
Fiscal Year 2005 Report to Congress
Fiscal Year 2004 Report to Congress
Fiscal Year 2003 Report to Congress
Fiscal Year 2002 Report to Congress
Fiscal Year 2001 Report to Congress
Fiscal Year 2000 Report to Congress
update on 04/30/2008   I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/challenge/reportstocongress.cfm   I  Email: Webmaster
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