RF Nanoscale and Molecular Probing Metrology


Project supports the microwave, semiconductor, computing, magnetic and electric storage industries through research and development of high-frequency scanned-probe microscopy based metrology and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) with sub micrometer resolution. The goal of the project is to develop metrology for quantitative imaging and measurement of electromagnetic field components and material characterization of nanoscale electrical and magnetic devices by establishing accurate spatially resolved waveform and frequency-domain metrology.

Customer Needs

The National Nanotechnology Initiative calls for the creation of a new research and development infrastructure to tackle the challenges and opportunities of nanotechnology. Full exploitation of the potential of nanotechnology requires long-term interdisciplinary research across such fields as chemistry, physics, materials science, electronics, biotechnology, medicine, and engineering. Research will be conducted to provide fundamental measurements needed for future generations of hardware needed to replace semiconductor and magnetic technology in a decade or so. Our expertise in microwave metrology, optics, materials characterization, clean room microfabrication — as well as collaboration with other projects — helps us develop new tools and materials characterization techniques for nanotechnology in the frequency range up to 100 gigahertz and beyond.

Technical Strategy

Based on an understanding of the physics of the interaction between materials and electromagnetic waves, we are focusing on the development of new experimental tools and techniques that address future needs of industry that require noninvasive probing and characterization of submicrometer and nanoscale structures at radio frequencies (RF). We are working with the Magnetics Group, the Optoelectronics Division, and the Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory to apply on-wafer measurement methods to nanoscale devices and interconnects such as carbon nanotubes or Si nanowires. We are developing techniques for performing noninvasive on-wafer waveform measurements for signal-integrity characterization in digital silicon integrated circuits and in magnetic recording media, and calibration procedures for nanoscale electrical and magnetic probing systems. In order to characterize nanostructures, it is important to extend the high spatial and temporal resolution of existing nanoprobes. The objective is to observe and control the dynamical evolution of physical phenomena in nanostructures. The development of nanometer-scale RF pump-probe techniques, nanometer-scale feedback and control, and other probes of local behavior are sought to provide new insight into nanoscale phenomena.

Radio-Frequency Atomic-Force Microscope (RF-AFM) Development — Several projects require high-frequency, near-field imaging capabilities. We are developing experimental techniques in collaboration with the Magnetics Group and the Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory for measuring the high-frequency response and noise of small magnetic structures. The focus is on the contribution of the edges on the measured characteristics of small samples. The results from different experimental techniques will be compared and evaluated to get a better understanding of the behavior of small magnetic elements.

The possibility of chip-to-chip wireless communication requires the design of novel micrometerscale antennas with special radiation patterns to ensure the errorless transfer of data from chip to chip at high data-transfer rates. The imaging of the near-field radiation patterns of such structures is of crucial importance for such applications.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) applications require noncontact measurements of the electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of the chip-to-wafer wiring structures. Similar requirements apply to tracing the spurious coupling channels in high-frequency devices.

To achieve the necessary sensitivity and spatial resolution for above mentioned and similar applications, some modifications to the control hardware and software of our RF-AFM microscope will be necessary. We will enhance the capabilities of our microscope to achieve the necessary performance through digital signal processor (DSP) control with development of the supporting software. The available scanning capabilities are well within the requirements. The control system will be designed to allow flexibility for simple future modifications that will be necessary for new applications.

This year, we plan to design the DSP hardware for RF-AFM control and develop the necessary software. In following years, we will collaborate on the design of antennas and measure the antenna patterns for chip-to chip communication applications, characterize the eigenmodes of small magnetic structures, and relate the measured mode structure to the noise response of the devices.

Radio-Frequency Probe Development — In order to improve on the spatial resolution and spectral bandwidth of the probes for high-frequency near-field metrology applications we are also focusing on development of special probes. These probes will be designed and tailored to particular applications. This tailoring includes the spatial resolution, bandwidth, and adjustment of the design. We may implement small particles or more complex nanoscale structures on the tip area of cantilevers based on micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). Depending on the application, these structures can be magnetic, dielectric, or more complicated composite structures that would allow either high-frequency or optical detection of the near electric and magnetic fields. We plan to characterize new MEMS-based sensors for the developed near-field imaging applications.

Evanescent Microwave Probe — We are participating in a collaboration with the Electromagnetic Properties of Materials project on the development of metrology for micrometer and submicrometer characterization of materials for electronic and packaging applications. We have developed new theory and software to characterize the microscopic fields in evanescent probe metrology. We will extend new software and theory for the evanescent microscope methods and do on-wafer measurements of substrate materials.

Nanomaterials and Metamaterials Characterization — Carbon nanotubes and Si-based nanowires are considered as possible option for the next generations of interconnects and high-integration-density structures. Although extensive research is ongoing on the structural, mechanical, and optical properties and applications of these materials, very little is known about their behavior in another important frequency range, from a few megahertz to 100 gigahertz and beyond. This could be due to difficulties in separating the characteristics of the investigated nanostructures from environmental influence at these frequencies. We are developing non-invasive metrology based on well developed on-wafer techniques that allow separating the behavior of the nanostructures of interest from that of their environment.

In recent years there has been increased interest in the development of composite and artificially structured materials with properties that differ significantly from the properties of standard materials. Among those are the band-gap materials for different frequency ranges and the so-called "negative index" materials that support the propagation of electromagnetic waves with opposite phase and group velocities. Due to their special properties, several challenges in the theory, tailored material design, and metrology will have to be mastered. We are working on all aspects of this challenge. In the area of metrology, we are developing techniques to measure the group and phase velocities. In the area of theory, we work on understanding the electromagnetic boundary conditions and the scattering problems that are relevant for the optimal design of these materials for particular applications. These applications may include the design of novel reference materials for broadband, high-frequency calibrations. We will characterize and measure metamaterials in collaboration with the Electromagnetic Properties of Materials project and the Complex Fields project.


RF atomic force microscope head.

MEMS sensors for detection of microwave magnetic field component. Top image is a loop sensor with a coplanar waveguide feed. The cantilever is a silicon nitride 1 micrometer thick beam. The bottom image is a bi-material sensor for calorimetric microwave magnetic field detection.


Recent Publications

P. Kabos, U. Arz, and D. F. Williams, "Multiport Investigation of Coupling of High Impedance Probes," IEEE Microwave Wireless Comp. Lett., in press.

T. M. Wallis, J. Moreland, B. F. Riddle, and P. Kabos, "Microwave Power Imaging with Ferromagnetic Calorimeter Probes on Bimaterial Cantilevers," J. Magn. Magn. Mater., in press.

J. Baker-Jarvis, P. Kabos, and C. L. Holloway, "Nonequilibrium Electromagnetics: Local and Macroscopic Fields and Constitutive Relationships," Phys Rev E 70, 036615/1-13 (September 2004).

J. Baker-Jarvis and P. Kabos, "Modified de Broglie Approach Applied to the Schrödinger and Klien-Gordon Equations," Phys. Rev. A 68, 042110/1-8 (October 2003).

C. L. Holloway, E. F. Kuester, J. Baker-Jarvis, and P. Kabos, "A Double Negative (DNG) Composite Medium Composed of Magnetodielectric Spherical Particles Embedded in Matrix," IEEE Trans. Ant. Prop. 51, 2596-2602 (October 2003).

P. Kabos, H. C. Reader, U. Arz, and D. F. Williams, "Calibrated Waveform Measurement with High-Impedance Probes," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 51, 530-535 (February 2003).

A. B. Kos, T. J. Silva, and P. Kabos, "Pulsed Inductive Microwave Magnetometer," Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 3563-3569 (October 2002).

R. G. Geyer, P. Kabos, and J. R. Baker-Jarvis, "Dielectric Sleeve Resonator Techniques for Variable-Temperature Microwave Characterization of Ferroelectric Materials," IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp., Seattle, WA, pp. 1657-1660 (June 2002).

Technical Contacts:
Pavel Kabos

Staff-Years (FY 2004):
1 professional
1 research associate
1 graduate student

Electromagnetics Division

325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305-3328
Phone 303-497-3131
Fax 303-497-3122

May 20, 2005

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