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X-ray image of Puppis A

Supernova Remnants
and Planetary Nebulae

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Other Image Resources


1E 1207.4-5209 image 1E1207.4-5209 - XMM-Newton (EPIC)
3C 58 3C 58 neutron star - Chandra
Chandra image of Cas A Cas A - Chandra first light image
Cas A image Chemical Segregation in Cas A - Chandra ACIS
Chandra image of Cas A Cas A - Chandra
Cat's Eye Nebula Cat's Eye Nebula: NGC 6543 - HST/Chandra
Crab Nebula image The Crab Nebula -Einstein HRI images show the X-ray pulsar
Crab Nebula image Crab Nebula - ROSAT & Chandra
Crab Nebula image Crab Nebula - Chandra
Crab Nebula composite image Crab Nebula - Chandra, VLA, HST
Supernova in M31 CXOM31 J004327.7+411829 - Chandra
Cygnus Loop image Cygnus Loop - ROSAT HRI & PSPC
Cygnus Loop image Cygnus Loop - PSPC mosaic image and HRI mosaic
Cygnus Loop image Cygnus Loop - HRI mosaic
DEM L71 xray and optical DEM L71 - Chandra/Rutgers Fabry-Perot
E0102 xray image E0102-72.3 - Chandra/HST/ATCA
E0102-72 image E0102-72 - Chandra
G 11.2-0.3 image G 11.2-0.3 - Chandra ACIS
G54.1+0.3 image G54.1+0.3 - Chandra
G54.1+0.3 image G54.1+0.3 - Chandra
G292.0+1.8 G292.0+1.8 - Chandra
SN G320.4-1.2 SN G320.4-1.2 - Chandra
Kepler's Supernova in X-rays Kepler's Supernova Remnant - XMM-Newton
IC443 image IC443 - ASCA
IC443 neutron star IC443 Neutron Star - Chandra ACIS
N63A composite N63A - Chandra/radio/optical
N132D image Edge of N132D - Chandra
N132D N132D - XMM-Newton EPIC
N132D in false color N132D - Chandra
Chandra image of N132D N132D - Chandra
Puppis A Early image of Puppis A - rocket-borne instrument (also ROSAT HRI)
Puppis A image Puppis A - ROSAT image with the neutron star discovery
Crab Nebula image ROSAT images of SNR
SN 1006 image SN 1006 - ASCA
SN 1006 image SN 1006 - Chandra
SN 1987 A First X-rays from SN1987A - ROSAT PSPC
SN 1987 A image SN1987A - Chandra w/ HST contours
SN 1987 A images SN1987A - Optical, Radio & X-ray
SN 1993j image SN 1993j(in M81) - ASCA
SN 2002ap SN2002ap - XMM-Newton
Tycho and Cas A images side-by-side Tycho and Cas A - Chandra
Tycho SNR image Tycho supernova remnant (SN 1572) - ROSAT HRI
Tycho SNR Tycho in silicon, calcium, sulfur and iron - XMM-Newton
Vela SNR Vela SNR central region - ROSAT PSPC & Chandra


spectrum of SN 1993 J SN 1993 j - ASCA GIS
SN 1987a spectra 170 days after explosion SN 1987a - Mir-Kvant
Cas A and Tycho's
supernova spectra Cas A and Tycho Supernovae - Ariel 5 MSSL spectrometer
Cas A, Kepler, Tycho and SN 1006
spectra Cas A, Kepler, Tycho, and SN 1006 - Einstein SSS comparative spectra
Cas A spectrum Cas A - EXOSAT GSPC
SN 1006 spectrum SN 1006 - OSO 8 (2 - 20 keV)
G292.0+1.8 spectra G292.0+1.8 - Einstein IPC, SSS and EXOSAT ME
Puppis A spectrum Puppis A - Einstein FPCS
SN1006 spectra SN 1006 - ASCA
1E 1207.4-5209 1E 1207.4-5209 - Chandra

Light Curves

SN 1993j-
200 days after explosion SN 1993J -ASCA
SN1987a - 400 days
after the explosion SN 1987a - Ginga
SN1987A - up to 600 days SN 1987A - Kvant HEXE

Further SNR Resources and References

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Last modified: Thursday, 07-Sep-2006 13:50:35 EDT