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Reporting on innovative products and strategies for building better, safer roads

June/July 1999

The Results Are In…

If you are one of the almost 1300 readers who responded to the recent Focus survey, thank you. The survey, the first ever conducted of Focus readers, will help us ensure that your needs for timely, relevant information continue to be met. Here’s a brief summary of what we learned.

  • The most popular topics are the Superpave system, pavement preservation, and the long-term pavement performance (LTPP) program.

  • As a result of articles in Focus, most readers have used or requested more information on one or more Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) products, been better prepared to bid on highway projects, or modified their agency’s standard procedures.

  • Readers overwhelmingly prefer reports on how State and local governments are actually using SHRP products and updates on new developments in SHRP products.

  • The most frequently cited areas to be emphasized were infrastructure and operations.

  • More than half of the respondents work in State (27 percent), Federal (7 percent), and local (21 percent) agencies.

  • Although readers like the fact that back issues of Focus are archived on the Web (, 98 percent prefer receiving Focus in the mail.

  • Most readers describe themselves as managers or technical experts.

  • The technical content of Focus articles is "about right," said 86 percent of respondents.

These survey results provide a valuable snapshot of our readers. As we expand our coverage beyond SHRP to include other topics in infrastructure and operations, that snapshot will help keep us focused on your needs and expectations. And, of course, we welcome your comments and suggestions anytime.

For more information about the survey, contact Lisa Pope, 202-347-1448, email:

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